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Am I too old for him?


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I'm a 25 year-old female and I've started seeing a guy who is 22. He seemed to be really interested in me, until he found out how old I am.


I know that 2 people of any ages can successfully go out (as long as they have the right personalities and interests, etc) but what do you guys generally think of this kind of age gap?


There's no problem when the guy is older, but it seems to be 'less acceptable' in our society when the girl is a few years older

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Is it really the age gap he has a problem with?


He hasn't called it off or anything, but when we were on our last date, he literally went from saying romantic things to me & talking about wanting to show me his home town to looking a bit mortified when I told him I was 25. He was like 'ohhhh...I...see...' and looked freaked out.


If he's got an issue with it that's his loss, but I'm just interested in what others think. Is he being ridiculous or would other guys his age also respond that way?

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Three years? Naw, there's no real "generation gap" there.


As time goes by the gap will shrink to insignificance. (And doesn't sound like much now.)


I once dated a woman who was ten years older than me.


Some guys appreciate a woman who is a little more mature.


Concentrate on your personalities, because "age" can be a relative thing. I've known 30 and 40 year olds who I thought should "grow up".

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I would not care at all if my girlfriend was 3-4 or 5 years older than I. Who cares? Those're just mere numbers, they're so insignificant. It kind of shows how shallow someone is, if they make a three year age difference such a big deal; so, it's nice you're learning this early on in dating him. That's what I think, anyway.

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Three years is nothing but if it is something to him then it is a problem. My last boyfriend was ten years younger granted we are older than you guys. My daughter wonders if she should date a guy because he is not tall enough...she really likes him. We put so many roadblocks up to relationships that at the end of the day just don't matter. I told my daughter to absolutely go for it and I hope the two of you do too.

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I would say in your situation it is not a problem unless one of you had a problem with it. Sounds like he might be bothered more by you being older than their being a gap, if it was the reverse I doubt he would care too much.


Him having an issue with it though certainly does not mean every man would. I know many younger men whom dated and some married older women - be it only a couple years difference or ten years.

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I don't even know why 10 years difference between men & women is such an issue.. There's plenty of guys out there dating women 25-40 years younger than them!

Gosh.. when is this predujudice going to die anyway? i'm so glad that Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher are still together.. They act like it's inconceivable that two people of a difference age could possibly have anything great going on between them if the women is older than the man! What a laugh!

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Maybe he think you are more "experienced" then him or something. Maybe that is making him hesitant.... I went out with a girl a few years older than me and she didn't know she was older than me. But, when she found out, I think she started second guessing things....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Age matters to some people and not to others. He is probably in a different place in life...he just graduated while by now you've had a job for a few years. Some men would become scared by that, others wouldn't. I dated a guy who was six years younger then I am. I am 24 and he was eighteen. He was perfectly fine with my age...but I knew we were in two different places at that time and ended it. Basically, it depends on the person. Don't take it personal if he doesn't like it that you're older. I've known people who've dated with much larger age differences.

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