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You know what...I really don't think this is making my ex wonder at all. I'd be surprised if he'd noticed - he ignored me so much during our last few weeks that I never expected him to answer his phone. It was always a shock when he did.


This whole thing is for me. I think that chances of him contacting me are extremely low, I'm not holding out any hopes of reconciliation, or of him saying he wanted that. The whole challenge is just me weaning myself off telling him everything. Not speaking to him...cause like I said he'd barely reply - I just told him everything. This shouldn't be as difficult as it is. We were almost NC when we broke up.

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Aww Enit hugzzz firstly, and you made me chuckle, had to let you know, the remote control thing its cool, gotta try that myself lol Yes I snap at Mikey, (my son) alot... then feel bad later about it too


TJones: I do dance sometimes, I'm gonna try doing that again.... you are right about that, sorta takes you outta your head doesn't it? Good idea..... but for tonite I turned down going out at all, just not up to snuff.....

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lost it. checked her emails and found that she has deleted every single thing i had sent her and there were a host of email from her new woman. she had started 'things' with this woman before she even called me to dump me.

i emailed her in anger. told her i would be sending her back the money that she gave me to compensate for my wasted trip in october last year and told her to put it in the trash with evrything else i had given her.

her stuff is getting boxed up tomorrow and mailed back to her monday.

she's broken me



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Shoes oh shoes, PLEEZE CALM DOWN, your gonna be ok. you poor baby... take a minute, breath, breath deep, think just about something that relaxes you, its ok, it is gonna be ok......


You keep that money, you've earned every darned penny, don't do it!


Not only that, your way, way to good for her anyway..........





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It'll be ok, much as it doesn't feel like it at the moment. This just serves to prove how much better off you are without her!


She hasn't broken you...you've simply got a puncture. Nothing that can't be fixed. And luckily we are all accomplished at replacing tyres.

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hey eeveryone, update: today is day 9 of NC... I hanged out with one of my buddies today, i was venting to him and he told me just to chill out... I really do wish it was that easy! He kept on telling me, why do you stick around for someone who doesn't want you anymore? I replied with that's a really good question, but I have some hope in me that it can change in the future.. It really does make me think though; I love this girl too much.... I'm not going to ruin anything with her or our chances right now, im not going to call... This website really is inspiration; just reading people's experiences help me get through mine. I really miss her, i wish she was here with me so i can give kiss her and give her a hug..... thanks for reading every1....

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I found it useful to put everything that reminded me of my ex in a box and stop ANY kind of contact (msn, myspace, txt msg, phone, photos, places, etc) At first was difficult, but at day 17 NC i feel like I could do it with my eyes closed. Take it one day at a time. (did I sound as if I was in a AA meeting?)

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End of Day 2:


I still feel tired, but I did some good things today. Caught up with family. Was there for a friend in need. Cooked and ate yummy, healthy food. Went for a run. Spent time with a new friend. Did housework (which was nice because I could see immediate results for all my efforts!). And I also squeezed in a long, hot shower; thanks for the tip. It was a real treat.


Other feelings. I found myself wondering about my ex often during the day, but it didn't stop me from getting things done. Right now, I'm more afraid of running into him (especially if he's with his new flame) than I am of never seeing him again.


I'm back to using every diversion I can imagine, but I do feel like myself.


Sunshine: I know some couples that have been much better together after a break-up. But it isn't the majority.....

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Day 2 went by pretty fast. Had a huge gaming marathon with my friends and read more of my book.


After getting those messages from my ex. yest. I wanted to make it clear to her so I added in my profile a message saying I don't want to talk unless things have changed. This caused me to get another message saying: I just wanted to see how you were doing and how everything was going since we really haven't talked since we hung out over break...hope everything is well, sorry to bother you...have a good weekend.


I don't think she still gets the fact that things are completely different now. O well... things are at least going pretty well again. Met a real cute girl at a party last night, but I was too damn shy to talk to her. >.

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Day- 9


went pretty damn well for me...woke up feeling fine as opposed to yesterdays emotional limbo. hung out with my brother and mother..went out with them and did some shopping. Then went to a family party which was quite comforting...Weirdies thing i met a lady who was talking to me for a bit, asking about how old i am and what school i was attending, what's my major yadadad..then she was like, "have you meet my daughter?" BINGO! then to make things extra cool, my aunt was there to back me up! lol. I meet her daughter who in my first initial reaction was like, WOW...DAMN..your hott!!! The ladies daughter was rather shy, but me i had to let my happy side out, you know the smiling, im so cool mr.rico sauve feeling. not to cocky, but i did want her to know im a very nice and social person. It was a bit akward at first as she gave me this jumbling eye contact with a nervous smile, but i kept it cool and mature..haha.. for the night on, i really didn't talk to her as i wanted to but rather all we did was major eye contact. hopefully i will see her around again since my father knows the lady due to being classmates in high school in the Philippines. other than that.. the day/night went very well for me. Day 10 here i come!

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Good morning everyone, this is day 2 of NC for me... I feel angry with him for treating me the way he did, I'm so angry I want to pick up the phone and tell him all my feelings... but I think he won't get it, if he couldn't do what i asked him, and he knew that would hurt me a lot... I can't get his message to his ex-gf out of my head... I have to be strong...I don't need more drama right now, I'm so busy these weeks, hopefully this will help me stick to NC

A good NC day to everyone!

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Beginning of Day Three:


Woke up today feeling peaceful, enjoying the quiet of the house. Remembered Valentine's Day is around the corner, and that doesn't feel great.


But also remembered I'm making plans to celebrate.


The ex has been out of touch. And I haven't contacted him. It's much easier this way.


Sometimes I think about who he left me for. I don't know much about her. I don't expect their relationship to last, but if it does, then I suppose all is for the best.


I'm thinking of going to church today (first time in a long while).


I hope all of you No-Contacters are doing well, and staying firm. Go team!


Eddie: I don't really know what to say about your situation. Right now, your primary connection is with your ex (not one of the new girls) probably because she knows you better, there was more intimacy, more history. This will change the longer you are apart, and you will be able to move on. It sounds like your ex still cares about you, and is confused. Give her space. Give her the six months. And keep on doing what you've been doing.

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