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Well, im sorry to hear u are confuse....its up to u if u wanna call him back and ask what he reallly wants? I wish i can talk to my ex n find out that too.. although he said its possible in the future and he needs a break now so im giving all his space as he wants and wont even ask what he wants.


how long ago u guys broke up??

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all the talk of getting stuff back from your ex has freaked me out a little. i ahve so much stuff still at her place, all the way on the other side of the world. i was meant to follow it there sometime this year! i don't know how i am gonna react if a get a big box of my stuff arriving at my door.

been thinking about boxing up all the stuff she gave me and sending it back to her.


any thoughts?





well, if she gave u as a gifts than keep it or throw it away. its your choice... n for ur stuff.. is it important stuff that u need? can u go buy it or someting? if its really important than ask her for it.

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all the talk of getting stuff back from your ex has freaked me out a little. i ahve so much stuff still at her place, all the way on the other side of the world. i was meant to follow it there sometime this year! i don't know how i am gonna react if a get a big box of my stuff arriving at my door.

been thinking about boxing up all the stuff she gave me and sending it back to her.


any thoughts?






Sometimes its better to not have it around. Maybe box it up but dont send it, just get it out of your sight and when your ready to send it it will just need postage.

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Well, im sorry to hear u are confuse....its up to u if u wanna call him back and ask what he reallly wants? I wish i can talk to my ex n find out that too.. although he said its possible in the future and he needs a break now so im giving all his space as he wants and wont even ask what he wants.


how long ago u guys broke up??


Everything was going pretty good until new yrs.. when again the excuses came. we were s'pose to do something and he came up with lame excuses not too..we had a talk that day about what we wanted and he told me (among other things) that he cant give me a commitmnet right now and then he said something along the lines of hes not willing too...I was done at that point. I told him I cant continue on like this and he said that I needed to make a decsion. I called him and left a message on the 3rd saying that I wasnt going to call and didnt want him to call me. Thats the last ive made contact.

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i don't know how i am gonna react if a get a big box of my stuff arriving at my door.

been thinking about boxing up all the stuff she gave me and sending it back to her.


any thoughts?


for me, the stuff that gets left behind after a broken relationship serves as an excuse to fuel the hopes of getting back together, or as an excuse to see each other again. If you think you are done with the relationship, go ahead and box everything and look for the opportunity to get your stuff back as well...

I still have about 10 dvds at my exGF's house, and have some of her stuff at my place. I don't want to send her the wrong message by asking her for my dvds, and also I dont want to break NC, so I will give her time... if she doesn't call or show interest in 60 days (im on day 16, NC) I will assume there are no chances for reconciliation and will ask her to meet me so we can exchange stuff....


hope it helps

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Well, im sorry to hear u are confuse....its up to u if u wanna call him back and ask what he reallly wants? I wish i can talk to my ex n find out that too.. although he said its possible in the future and he needs a break now so im giving all his space as he wants and wont even ask what he wants.


how long ago u guys broke up??


Does your ex contact you also?

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Ugh! I hate myself for what I just did. I did not speak to her all day yesterday, and it was very hard. Both her mom and dad have now sent me email's saying how sorry they are about this and that they hope for the best. Today, I went to lunch (Chipotle, yum) and had some leftovers. I knew she was at the Architecture building working, so I was just going to swing by very brief and offer the leftovers to her. I get to the parking lot, and my friends car was there. These two have grown very close since our breakup, and it hurt me to see this. Naturally, I lost control and called her asking what was going on. She stated that there was nothing going on and he was just helping her do some work. I can't help but worry. He lives on the complete opposite side of town, came to her house, picked her up, and went back to the middle of town where the school is. It certainly doesn't seem like "just helping" to me. UGH! I never should have tried go and see her.

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Ok. 14 days since contact. Worst day for about a week.


Was feeling quite good earlier - SuperDave can atest to that I think? I felt like I was strong enough to go and distract myself with some tidying. Went for abut an hour and a half then ended up back online cause I just felt really down. Started talking to a friend on msn, and realised my ex had been online the whole time and had just signed out. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I realised how much I missed him being my friend. It wasn't that I missed the 'lover' part...I just suddenly and violently missed just talking to him about absolute nonsense. I hadn't cried in I'd say about a week until today, when I just completely and utterly broke down sobbing for about an hour and was completely inconsolable. I felt utterly lost and back to square one. I guess I'd come to terms with losing a lover, but had just ignored the fact that I'd lost someone I'd got on with more quickly than I'd ever got on with anyone, and the person I'd felt was more like me than anyone I've ever met. It feels like I've lost my reflection.

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Thanks. I'll have my kids next weekend, but will be visiting my parents so it won't be so lonely after they go to bed..


I spent almost 2 yrs alone after the split with my ex husband. This is the first realationship ive risked a broken heart for. thats what makes it so hard I think. Lonely is not fun. We were good together, I just felt I needed/wanted more. how many kids do you have?

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Dang it! I was s'pose to meet a friend for a beer..just found out he's there! Keep in mind the friend I was to meet is our mutual friend. She like to play cupid! dont know if I can handle seeing him 2 nights in a row, expecially since he called last night. what should I do..cancel my plans or buck up?

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Dang it! I was s'pose to meet a friend for a beer..just found out he's there! Keep in mind the friend I was to meet is our mutual friend. She like to play cupid! dont know if I can handle seeing him 2 nights in a row, expecially since he called last night. what should I do..cancel my plans or buck up?


ooh... can ur friend n u go somewhere else n drink?

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I was just going for a couple beers, she wont go elsewhere, its where we hang out. besides I talked to her today and told her how hard it was to see him and im sure its gotten back to him since her husband and my ex are friends. my hands are sweaty and my head is swimming! I dont think I should go....

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I was just going for a couple beers, she wont go elsewhere, its where we hang out. besides I talked to her today and told her how hard it was to see him and im sure its gotten back to him since her husband and my ex are friends. my hands are sweaty and my head is swimming! I dont think I should go....


aww i see......well if u feel uncomfortable seeing him i suggest you dont go..tell your friend to understand its not easy for u to be around your ex even tho their his friend too......maybe u can meet ur friend later alone?

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