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day two

went to disney land with the girls today =]

had a good time we went to lunch and just had fun..

thought about him constantly becasue disney land was kind of our place, everything reminded me of him, EVERYTHING

but i wasnt too sad, i have my few friends (lost alot of em becasue i didnt see them when i was with my ex)

today was a good day

tomorrow is my long day for classes hopefully ill be ok

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The heartbreak olympics it is... Ugh, seriously, NC sucks BIG time. I felt much better when I talked to him and was in his life and making him confused. I feel like this NC has just given him space to fall harder for the other girl while I grow more hopeless day by day.


Why are we doing NC again?

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The heartbreak olympics it is... Ugh, seriously, NC sucks BIG time. I felt much better when I talked to him and was in his life and making him confused. I feel like this NC has just given him space to fall harder for the other girl while I grow more hopeless day by day.


Why are we doing NC again?


yea seriously!!! why? so they can move on and we cant??? ughh i guess this is to help us move on but it seems to just make it easier on them..

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I'm REALLY REALLY fed up with NC today!!!!!!


I'm seriously thinking about breaking it next week.... after day 30. But ugh, I feel like I've already lost him for good now =[


i know it sucks but if you have lost him then who the hell wants him? i dont want to accept this fact either so im gonna try to take my own advice but if they can get over us so damn fast...why would we want them right?

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i know it sucks but if you have lost him then who the hell wants him? i dont want to accept this fact either so im gonna try to take my own advice but if they can get over us so damn fast...why would we want them right?


I'll join this club.


Well at least your exes are single! I have to live with the fact that I broke up with my ex, I let him go, and when I realized I loved him it was too late!! It's so hard to live with the guilt. Day 28, I miss him more than ever!!!

Actually I'm in that exact situation. I realized my mistake a week later, then she didn't want me back because she was with someone else. This was only a couple days after I got an email from her telling me that she knew we were meant for each other.

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Sorry guys, I didn't mean to sound like I was pissing over your own experiences - my point is that in my position I'd rather have silence than attempts at showing care for my feelings (which makes me feel so small and patronised) and attempts at friendship (which makes me feel massively downgraded right now). If that makes sense!

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Day - 25


No more dreams about my ex WOOHOO! This week has been much better than the previous two. I can definitely feel myself moving on and I generally feel so much more positive than I did before. Come April I will be busy with my social life which is something I have been neglecting of late. So I am looking forward to my future and I have no plans to share it with my ex anymore

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Day 5


Thinking about calling the ex today. I'm not even sure if I should still be doing no contact. After all, we went on a date after a month of NC. We had a really good time. No contact seems counterproductive in many ways now.


Sure, I want her to initiate, but she's so damn stubborn. And she did make the first move last time. I wish she would just respond to my brief email I sent her on Thursday night...but it wasn't an email she really had to respond to. I just would love a signal that it is ok to proceed with caution...or maybe that signal was already given and I'm just being overly cautious.


Mix of emotions today after I had a dream about her last night. We were in a train station and I was chasing her...and she was in love with me, but for some reason we couldn't find each other and connect. I kept seeing her, but I couldn't get to her.

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So back to day 1. I don't know why I'm so stupid when it comes to this man. So him for a bit last night and then spent the rest of the night crying to my sister over him. She reminded me that I've never been at a lost for words, so why is it that I can't talk to him about the things that I need to know. The sorry thing is that he opens up the chance for the conversation that we need to have. He asks me why I'm not dating anyone and I've told him that I've had many opportunities but I'm just enjoying life and don't need a man in it to make my life fulfilled. He then asked me why I'm still willing to see him. There was the opening....and I should have asked him straight out what it is that he wants from me and if there is a chance of ever getting back together. Did I take that opportunity? Of course not, because obviously I'm a massochist who would rather take the tidbits that he offers, then feel down for days after. I know that in the long run it would be better to ask and if he's not interested then just kick him out of my life but it's just too sad to think that I'll never see him again if that's the case. I guess I need a little advice on just what to say to him without coming accross as desperate to have him back. I want to be able to say what I have to say and if it's not what I need then tell him he can't get in touch with me again. This is just too hard!!!! Now I feel like I'm back at square one and I can't keep doing this to myself. Just so depressed today and that doesn't help when I'm at work, because I just can't concentrate on anything.

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JG - If she haven't replied to your e-mail, I would NOT call. But again, you know her more than I do.


Yes, apparently my ex has new GF... a girl who he had previously dumped for me. However, he decided to dump me again and go back to her. (His reasoning is that my timing was way too off, I only wanted him back when he was dating someone else 6 months later - I actually agree with him!!!!!! And that's why it's SO tough!)


My ex is very stubborn so dumping the girl to be with me after months of him "chasing" and I not wanting him back would just be TOO hard for him, as a "macho" and a man's man like he thinks he is. Therefore, I guess going back to the girl who has ALWAYS wanted him made more sense.


However, I know how much we love eachother and how much we are meant to be and that's why it's hard to accept!! I know I made a mistake, but ugh, do our love have to pay for it forever???


DAY 29!!!!!

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Life is very long, BG. The chances that your ex will stay with this individual long term is very slim especially given all that she's been through regarding you and your ex. I'll tell you right now, she resents him. She might love him right now and put up with everything he put her through so far because they are still in the honeymoon stage, but once that is over, her resentment is going to start to show. These new relationships tend to wear off within 6-7 months.


Have fun at the graduation party. If you see your ex, be flirtatious and friendly, but act like he's just some other guy at the party. Be full of life and have fun. The party will be a great time for you to make your ex think twice about leaving you without you having to do anything at all except look confident, attractive and full of life.

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JG - I don't know, honestly, my ex is SUCH a nice/perfect/best person in the world that I doubt she will let him go... She won't be as stupid as I was. And I admire her for that!


About the party, I've been crazy about this opportunity!!! Just to see him and be happy, upbeat, beautiful and full of life! I've been working out, going to the dermatologist, shopping, to look my ABSOLUTE best at this thing. However, part of me is SO terrified that he might not show up because of me. I'm going to be devastated. First and foremost, because there's nothing worse than dressing up and putting all the effort in the world and energy to expect to see the person and then... nada. Secondly, because it will be SO absolutely horrible if he doesn't go to TWO of his best guy friend's graduation, his friends since he was 10 years old, because I will be there. It ALMOST make me not want to go because I want him to be able to go, take his girl and have a good time you know? I'm new to the city (4 years) and met all of this people after him, so I just feel like it's more his territory than mine since he grew up here.


I've been honestly considering sending him an e-mail on thursday to talk about this and explain that if he is unconfortable with me there, I will NOT go. I will feel worse if I go and he's not there because of me.


What do you guys think?

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I have just posted a message to you on your thread...and I really think you need to step back from this situation...


He is going to his friends graduation with his new gf, and you are going to turn up there, after having been to the gym, dermatologist e.t.c...What do you think is going to happen?


Do you think he will see you, and think " wow, she looks great, I want her back?"

Also, why would you be putting yourself in such an awkward situation where you might have to witness him all over his new gf...ouch! Why you are putting yourself through this pain?



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I dont know what he is going to think, but one of the graduates is one of my best guy friends and one of his friend's girlfriend is MY best girl friend, they invited me, they've been part of my life for 4 years, should I not go because of him?


I mean, maybe you are right, but I just have an urge to see him. The gym/derm is what us girls do, we pamper ourselves, I don't know, I was just being honest, I want him to see that I'm not dying and that hung up on him, that I'm able to go to a place where he is as well and act natural. Bear in mind there are going to be thousands of people there. It's a big party.

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I woke up this morning feeling like crap and now I'm at work beginning an eleven hour shift. I don't think I can make it through this one without freaking out. Why can't she just let me back into her life. She says she has things she needs to work on and she has to do it alone. What happened to me being her support. I want to help her through things. I want to make it easier on her. She wants to be on her own. Throw away something beautiful. It makes me sick to think that I may never get to be with her again. Every day of no contact is just affirmation that she can make it without me. Why is this what I want to do?

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