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Well he contacted me yesterday, and I can't stop thinking about his vague message. I'm sure he knew it would have that effect. I just don't know what he meant by it. It seemed like something either really good or really bad should have followed up the one statement he made, but he never said anything else...and I didn't ask. I don't know if he was waiting for me to say something or what, but it has made me wonder. I told him not to contact me unless he was single/wanted to get back together before I went NC, and he said he would respect my wishes and "so be it" if I didn't want to be friends. Is he testing me to see if I was full of crap when I told him not to talk to me for a while? Is he coming to his senses? Is there trouble in paradise? Ugh.

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Day 32 ....


... I felt so powerful when I reached day 30 but since then I have gone downhill. I really miss him and love him still. What I wouldn't give to hear his voice or to have him wrap his arms around me. I'm disappointed he hasn't tried to contact me since day 4. I thought he would have by now. NC is the only option. It's his birthday in about 3 weeks but I'm not going to contact him. It's going to be so hard but it is the only way. Hopefully, one day, I won't need to count the days anymore.

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Well, this is the first day I've woken up and NOT had him be my first thought! He was my second though. My first was about the pain on my face- my cat decided to try and claw my face off last night as I was sleeping.... yeah, what a lovely companion she has made! She didn't mean to though


I do wonder if he'll ever call. I think he will, but I need to be ok with the fact that he may not. I'm workin' on it it is getting better and better every day.

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Day 4 -


Woke up sad again...thinking about her. Last night I was thinking of the good times...wish she could just be a distant memory.


me too. I have been a little weepy today, just missing him, wishing he would reach out to me, sure that he won't, and I hate it.

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me too. I have been a little weepy today, just missing him, wishing he would reach out to me, sure that he won't, and I hate it.


Judging from our last IM I get the feeling she does not care either...I'll probably never hear from her. But now I am a Ghost to her.


My Myspace page is a little out of control. I am a recording artist...and I get A LOT of attention from women. Wonder if she looks at it...

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She called me Sunday night and I was weak and answered. She just wanted to know if anyone was doing anything. I was hanging out with some friends but we were out of town. I find it weird though that she called me first before she called anyone else, maybe she is missing me? I texted her a little later to see if she was working the night shift this week because I decided, "hey if I broke NC I should make plans with her" she didn't respond until the next day, saying sorry she didn't get my text until later and that she is working nights and then asked "what's up?". Haven't responded and don't think I will, going to give NC another try.


Day 3 begins again...

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Same stuff...different day. I'm still thinking and dreaming about him. On the plus side, I know for sure I'm going to complete the 30 days. I'm going on vacation tomorrow, and I'll get back home on day 30. Two days will be spent driving, and most of the days will be spent in an area with no cell reception...so there's pretty much no chance of contacting him. I almost cracked when he sent me that message, but it feels good to know I didn't.

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Hey, Spion Kop, did you wind up wishing your ex a happy birthday?


My ex's is coming up this weekend, and I'm fairly confident about calling her. I still miss her a lot, and think we'll be back together someday, but I'm feeling pretty good about myself.


Of course, my ultimate goal is that her sister will invite me out with them for her birthday, and I'll get to refuse because I have other plans. (And I really do!)


Not sure how many days of NC it has been, but well over 30. I don't really feel the need to call her, just want to start working out our new relationship.

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Day 1

I decided not to contact my ex for a few days. I'm not aiming for the full 30 days, but just a few days. Hey, its a start. Today, I'm gonna go out and walk around. Hopefully maybe even hang out with some friends. No matter what, I'm gonna get out and do something to get out, and away from my computer.

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Hey, Spion Kop, did you wind up wishing your ex a happy birthday?


My ex's is coming up this weekend, and I'm fairly confident about calling her. I still miss her a lot, and think we'll be back together someday, but I'm feeling pretty good about myself.


Of course, my ultimate goal is that her sister will invite me out with them for her birthday, and I'll get to refuse because I have other plans. (And I really do!)


Not sure how many days of NC it has been, but well over 30. I don't really feel the need to call her, just want to start working out our new relationship.


Me personally...I will not be wishing my ex a happy bday in August...I feel to hurt by her. She took me out for my bday...which I appreciate...but I feel it will be even more hurtful to contact her. Why should I???

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gotcha, donescobar... In my case, it was a bit of a two-way street. I broke up with my ex because she dearly wanted children, and I wasn't sure I could do that. Then, I realized I could, and proposed to her, but she had found someone else. After mulling it over, she decided to let the new relationship run its course because she (understandably) has trust issues with me. It bugs me that she gave up two years through thick and thin for a guy she knew for a few months, but it could just be a rebound. At any rate, I understand her decision, as much as it sucks.


Take care.

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Hey, Spion Kop, did you wind up wishing your ex a happy birthday?


My ex's is coming up this weekend, and I'm fairly confident about calling her. I still miss her a lot, and think we'll be back together someday, but I'm feeling pretty good about myself.


Of course, my ultimate goal is that her sister will invite me out with them for her birthday, and I'll get to refuse because I have other plans. (And I really do!)


Not sure how many days of NC it has been, but well over 30. I don't really feel the need to call her, just want to start working out our new relationship.


bepositive, I didnt wish my ex a happy bday. When the day had passed, the morning after it hit me. I realized that now things have officially been cut and we now go our separate ways without looking back. I was in a lot of pain but I realized that this had to be done. We both needed to move on because that is the only way you can get back with each other, if it were to happen. If I had wished her, I would still be in the "friend zone" which is something I dont want. I really dont want her back either because after all, she destroyed a three year relationship in three days. If you dont know my story (I dont think i posted it) but her co worker who is 26, while she is 21, kept hitting on her since september. She knew he liked her and she told me everything. I trusted her and warned her that he was getting too close. He use to take her out to lunch and since he holds a higher position she couldnt exactly say no because it could jeopardize her job. In the end, the day we broke up he came over. Nothing happened but two days later, they're dating.


So after that I realized that it's best to let go completely and to let their relationship run it's course. Whatever happens will happen, all I can do is focus on things that I can control and they are myself.

It is safe to say that I know deep down she loves me because when i last saw her, it was a bit awkward but not as awkward as i thought it would be, I looked into her eyes and watched her while making that observation. So i decided then that she had to figure that on her own without me being there in her life.


My ex said consistently over the past couple of months before our break up and even before her co worker came that "oh i feel that we'll break up once and then get back together in the future."

I took it with a pinch of salt because things were going well (or so i thought) but now i realized that this may or may not be true. I'm not hoping for it, nor am i going to deny it if it came. I'm just gonna work on myself, my goals and my career.

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Thanks, Spion Kop.


I'm of a mind to wish the happy birthday because it will show strength, this is the usual time period to start LC, and the ex is supposed to go visit her LDR new guy next month. So, she'll have some fresh memories of when I took her out for her birthday. (One of Zorba's posts mentioned that successful reconciliations often had LC, much to the chagrin of the new boyfriends/girlfriends.) And then, back to NC. My birthday is a few days after, so it will be interesting to see how she responds.



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bepositive, on the 29th of june, this sunday, would have been our 3 years. It's going to be a painful day for the both of us. Yea i know that she moved on but i know she cares and she'll be thinking of all the good times. After this month ends, things can get better. Her Bday and the 29th were the two obstacles i feel that i needed to get over.

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Everything on the radio today reminds me of him. I changed the channel 4 times on the way to work today to avoid listening to those things. They had to talk about the upcoming concert we were supposed to go to together, and play our songs, and of course then someone called in to have them play a song that he was dedicating to his ex girlfriend because he wants her back. That one just about sent me overboard! This WILL get better.......

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bepositive, on the 29th of june, this sunday, would have been our 3 years. It's going to be a painful day for the both of us. Yea i know that she moved on but i know she cares and she'll be thinking of all the good times. After this month ends, things can get better. Her Bday and the 29th were the two obstacles i feel that i needed to get over.


I completely understand where you're coming from. Our would-have-been 6 year anniversary is in about two months and is a few days after I'm going to be moving closer to him. I already know it's going to be a hellish day. You'll get through it. After that hurtle maybe things will get a little easier.


I also know what you mean feelinblu. I couldn't listen to music for a while, and it's still hard.

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Day 4...still think about it/him alot. I'm reminded of a song by Vince Gill that says:

"I've been trying to get over you; I've been spending time alone.

I've been trying to get over you; It'll take dying to get it done."


Hope it doesn't take that long, but somedays it feels like it. Eventually it will be alright I know...just wish that day would get here.

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day 32. Hmm, sometimes i would think about her but i just take a shower or talk to some other girl im flirting with and it'll be fine. But yea, its still not cool lol. I want to talk to her cuz they caught the guy who sexually assaulted her but my friend told me i shouldn't so i havn't said anything and i don't plan on talking to her again unless i see her in person.

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DAY 6 -


Yesterday I got an IM from her saying "Hey I wanted to say hello. Is it cool we do that even tho we arent friends?" I simply ignored her. People don't know what they have until it is gone. If she is a WOMAN and has something of more sense to talk about. She will know what to do. I will not entertain confusion.

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