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Non Consentual Sex leading to pregnancy


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Hey guys, Its been a while since I've posted.


Anyways, heres the scoop. I have been "seeing" this girl...to be my explicit about it, having sex with this girl who's had the highest sex drive I've ever seen in my life! So one day, we're in an empty parking lot and we agreed to oral sex. That soon escalated to her getting on top of me, which I thought ok, she just wants to get closer. She then decides she wants to have sex without a condom without telling me (btw, shes not on birth control). When I realize I'm inside her, I tell her to get off but she doesnt want to and she continues what she's doing. I try to force her off but I couldnt since she was on top of me and she wedged her butt under the steering wheel so I couldnt get her off but eventually she got off.


Now today she tells me she took a pregnancy test and she is pregnant. I think she is just trying to scare me because we got into a huge argument just yesterday. I'm not worried about her having a baby because I'm not the kind of guy who would ditch a girl because she got pregnant (even though it is not my fault). Like I'd be part of the child's life but I'm more concerned about the financial situation if she were to have a child. I'm not trying to be an but I dont think I should be forking out my hard earned money for her mistakes, which was also non-consentual sex (for a guy, it might make me sound like a wuss or something but I wouldnt be wanting to get her in trouble for rape). Has anyone experienced the financial support aspect of a pregnancy gone wrong and would care to tell me if I'm on grounds for financially supporting the child?

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Well, My fiance and I had a child when we were 16, and it was a complete accident.

We pulled through everything just fine, He's going to college to become a vet, and I am going to be a clinical pyscologist.

It's not too bad, the state is a wonderful support for parents who need financial help. There's WIC, who pays for formula, medical card, where Public Aid pays for medical bills (but they may come after you for them later) and services that help with daycare.

Basically, the only worrys are diapers.


Things happen, don't let some of these jerks on here make you feel like crap. Unwanted pregnancy is a common thing, it isn't the end of the world.

And a baby is well worth it, they're amazing.

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If she has the child, the court will order a paternity test, and the father will be required to support the child.


But from the sounds of it, it is very possible that she is just trying to manipulate you... Her behavior should tell you very clearly that this is a person you should NOT date, nor ever sleep with again!


I would just break up with her, and call her bluff... tell her if she is pregnant, then when the child is born you will have a paternity test and the judge will decide what is best for the child.

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When I read this I thought of one thing.


Is it possible that she was already pregnant and then did this to you so as to find a 'father' for the baby? In other words, if she really was pregnant, that you didnt create this baby in the first place. That she is only looking for someone to be a daddy.


If she does in fact turn out to be pregnant, insist on a paternaty test before you go any further. However, if it is your child, do the right thing and support it. Emotionally and financially and for the rest of your life you would then be a father.


Oh and it does not make you a wuss or anything like that to say that she raped you. If it fact it is like you say, this was rape and not okay in any explaination.


Good luck with whatever happens and update us and let us know how it is going!

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The original poster's experience brings up an interesting side point that everyone else here seem to be overlooking... While a lot of people may find this hard to believe, women can and occasionally do rape men. I'm a bit surprised there hasn't been more comment on this unusual turn of events.


When it happens, it's often not thought of as rape because women perpetrators tend to use methods other than force (with the occasional exception). It seems to be generally called "female sexual coercion".


Anyway, for anyone who's interested, there's an article about it here: link removed

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When I read this I thought of one thing.


Is it possible that she was already pregnant and then did this to you so as to find a 'father' for the baby? In other words, if she really was pregnant, that you didnt create this baby in the first place. That she is only looking for someone to be a daddy.


If she does in fact turn out to be pregnant, insist on a paternaty test before you go any further.


The exact same thing I was thinking!

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