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38 Years old....Folks ive "been there", im "still there" and


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when i was younger i used to have a huge fear about being alone. as in single. so i would jump from one relationship to another.


some good some not so good.


i often wonder how many people would still be single if they waited for the ONE.. instead of meeting someone and staying together for the sake of not being alone.


im older now and decided im better off alone rather than in a dead relationship just to keep up with the joneses so to speak.


i know people that are married with a coupkle of kids ect..and so dam lonely feeling trapped, being single is a good thing, compared to that

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Remade, we may be a couple decades apart, but we have a whole lot in common, my friend......


One thing you said was your expectations were too high of women...I think that is one of my problems with my current "situation"..


Im expecting her to be the best, greatest, most loyal and trusting "friend" as i am, and thats part of the reason i kept getting demolished.....I think if you dont "expect" that same level of attention and loyalty from a girl your not let down as much when you dont get it...if that makes sense??

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  • 1 month later...

What are your plans this weekend for meeting women?


LOL, good question, Quietgrl! However, I would keep in mind - the original poster didn't seem to have problems meeting women. His problem seemed to be that he couldn't sustain relationships with them.


So it's not just a matter of how to meet people. It's also about meeting people who are truly kindred spirits, and then earning how to forge deeper connections with them.

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Also notice that the OP said he has *tried* being the "nice guy", the "romantic", the "bad boy" etc...


IMO, that is a reason right there that sustaining a relationship is difficult. How can someone fall in love, and stay in love, with someone who is acting?


I think it is easier to develop a deeper, truer connection with someone if they fall in love with you, for being who you are and not who they want you to be. I admit, I did this too. It caused me a lot of pain down the road, as now I have a son from that girl and we ended up in a bad break up. That is truly a very hard situation to stomach, and one I could have avoided altogether if I had been myself. Either she would have left because I was not what she wanted, or she would have been in love with ME, and not a fictitious (sp?) me.

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Having people love you and accept you for who you are is great and wonderful. Unfortunately, being yourself isn't going to work if women don't find you attractive. Not every guy developed into a confident, interesting, charming, attractive guy because of genetics and environmental influences. I wished that women would have accepted my shy, quiet self. But things didn't work out the way I thought it would.


On the flip side, guys who act the "bad boy" don't have any problems attracting women at all. These guys can attract women because they have the characteristics that women want like independence, confidence, and aggressiveness.

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If you don't want to be alone, don't do things in your own little solidarity, inside an empty physical room, or even in your head. Seek out others, but at the same time not everyone will be accepting, thats because they are probably not compatible anyway. The ones that do talk back and forth with you, those are the ones.


If anything change you're routine. Go to a McDonalds and while you're waiting in line do some push ups.

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