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Magic Mushrooms Cure OCD??

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Well, this is startling.


Apparently, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms -- a hallucinogen -- completely eradicates symptoms of OCD (compulsive hand washing, etc.) for hours or sometimes days.


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I'm not a huge fan of drugs, but if this works, for people with this illness, this is a huge leap forward. Potentially a cure.

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I don't know a great deal about OCD but I know a fair deal about psilocybe (magic) mushrooms. I don't consider them a drug really and there's a lot of credible writing on them actually aiding/ sparking the evolution of our species.


I believe a hallucinogenic experience to be very beneficial, whether it helps with OCD though, I don't know.

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Try reading "Food of the Gods: A Radical History of Plants, Drugs and Human Evolution" by terence McKenna.


Fascinating read.


I've found on some occasions after hitting some shrooms I've reached some clarity on things in my life I've been unsure about... and no, not whether or not I should eat my body weight in pizza to satisfy the munchies!

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I really couldn't say how long it stays in the system for... are you a sports star or something?? Can I have an autograph if you can - Xmas is setting me back some cash and I could do with something to see on eBay!


I'm not encouraging "drug use" but I've found hallucinogenic experiences innvaluable. To me the essential experience is like a mystical feeling of oneness with the universe. If all human beings experienced this just once, human consciousness would change for the better... maybe?

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If they are used for OCD, they might replace one set of problems with another


Magic mushrooms, like all hallucinogens, can trigger underlying mental disorders and cause schizophrenic-type symptoms.

Users sometimes have "bad trips," which can include confusion, anxiety and panic. In rare instances, users can experience recurring episodes of anxiety and panic (flashbacks) days, weeks or even months after a bad trip.


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