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Best Friend told me he's been in love with me for six years!

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I've been friends with this guy since High School, so almost 7 years now. These past 3 years him and I have become really good friends, he's my best guy friend. He has moved away for school and last week I was talking to him about the problem I was having with my guy right now and he started talking about the good things about me, then he says that he's been in love with me since we first became friends.


It totally caught me of guard and I didnt really know what to say. He told me that if there was any chance that things could happen between him and I he would break things off with his girlfriend right now.


I dont feel the same way about him and he's coming home this week for Christmas. I thought that I should just act as if nothing happened, but then I dont want it to be weird, I dont want the fact that I dont want to be with him make our friendship awkward or different in any way.


Should I just act as if it didnt happen or should I confront him about it?

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I agree. You have to say something to him, rather than pretend that it never happened. If you do that, then he's just going to be confused and in limbo. Not fun.


It'll probably be a little weird, yes, but just let him know that even though you're not attracted to him that way, you still want to remain good friends. After six years, he'll probably need a little time to come to terms with it, but at least he'll be able to move on.

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So I talked to him about everything 3 days ago when he got home. It didnt go so well. He left our friends place really soon after and he didnt seem to be in a good mood. So I've tried calling him, he wont answer, he doesnt reply to my messages. I dont know what else to do to save our friendship...if theres one left to save.

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read my thread if u need some advice. i've been going thru this but on the opposite side of the street. u need to be upfront and honest with him and not lead him on. i've been going thru this with a best friend of almost 11 years and our friendship has suffered drastically because things were left dead ended for the last 6 months. we had our talk today actually and this is why its so ironic that i'm bumping into your post, but i feel so much better now that we actually talked about feelings and how she felt and how i felt. my situation may be a lil different then yours, but same concept in the end.


me being in your friends shoes, i'm feeling alot better about things now that we've had our talk. theres probably going to be a rough spot in your friendship, but if he values u that much he'l come around.


hope this helps and have a happy new year.

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i didnt see your latest post saying u had actually talked to him about this. good job, was the best thing in your favor. 6 years is alot to lose on his behalf, he'l come around. give him time. he's just hurting. rejection from a stranger is always taken lighter then rejection from a long time loved one.

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