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Update - Things Going Well !!!!!

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Hi to all my friends here....

for those of you who have followed my story and supported me... ..here is my latest news...all good....!!!!!

My husband and I went away for our wedding aniiversary last week....after 'dating' for a few mths....( we seperatd in April - well..he left me )

we had a great time away and was really like the 'good old days'....We laughed all the time, went for walks....and best of all spent a whole day in bed !!!!!! LOL....( well its been a LONG 8 mths !!!!)

The worst part was when we both went home to our own places...and i was alone again....BUT as with ALL reconciliation..I know its important to take things slowly....

we have both been for individual counselling which has cleared up so many issues that tore us apart....and i truly be;ieve we have not just worked thro the problems but at least for myself I now fully understand whre I went wrong and how I could have supported him more when he was been 'blackmailed' by his ex wife....

For the first time in a long time I feel at peace..and am confident now that we can find a way forward so we can be together again...

I'll be honest I didnt do the NC...but what I did do was to get the right help in working out my feelings/ attitude....and also to really listen to my husband....he is sufering from depression which was triggered by the ex wife and her behaviour....but slowly we can get thro this I know we can...

we are spending xmas toghether in a lovely country hotel...on our own...

Bliss...I cant wait....more time in bed !!!!!! LOL


I am thinking of you all especially during this holiday time....

I know i am so blessed to have more hope now in my relationship...to think 8 mths ago I was sat in a solicitors office talking abt divorce..and there really was no hope at all....heck...I have come such a long way....


my love and hugs to you all...

futychick xxx

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By the way as this forum is about getting back together PLEEEEASE remember to make sure that the reasons why you two guys fell out no longer apply.



If you dont we might see you back here in under 6 months. And we dont ( nothing personal )



Scruff x

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