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  1. omg. come on...lets not get to carried a way here feeling about an ex are part of the ex u don't disconnect them when i had to separate hurt from addiction i didn't remove where the feelings came from only the association that was falsely attached to it see, i would feel hurt and use...i believe to solve this i needed her forgiveness when the substance abuse had nothing to do with her or the hurt - it was connected to me and the drug and if anyone ever tells something that implies that your feeling are unjustified - tell them to piss off its like me staying up all night and thinking when i get home my effort should be rewarded by finding her in my bed....when u think like that u disappoint yerself because of doing something with wrong intent so, i go home in 15 minutes and will be greeted by the same house that i left i do this not for something in return - but for myself
  2. wow thats funny i never notice posting dates
  3. what i discovered in therapy is that because of my past i was always racing to the next thought, next task, and that's impossible and causes frustration - so, i have learned to focus on the moment and what is the priority actually makes u a better listener
  4. this is actually a great test for you. if this stuff just bounces off u then u have done good work. this instilled no negative reaction in me other than observe the behaviour
  5. would it be something both should do? counselling? i just meant - would u hide it from your spouse?
  6. congrats all i wish u all continued success
  7. "I asked what he's looking for in a relationship" what's wrong with that question? i would ask that as well. makes sense to me.
  8. Thinking your feelings will change things is rather self-centered, in my view. If you want her to feel differently, then treat her differently. wow i never saw it that way. ok. i just saw this as talking, nothing more - letting her know i am there if needed. it feels strange to be the one that has control of emotions because it was usually me in the past that couldn't. its funny how the male 'protection' mode kicks in automatically for me - its something i have always found great pride and satisfaction in. and to be honest, the more i have about her needing space and needing to control things tells me the woman i know is having many, many issues to deal with right now. i've seen her tackle 100 things at once - so, this must be serious. i'll drop the friendly banter with her now and let her find her strength inside. good nite and stay kewl
  9. if u loved someone would u want them to tell u about something like this if it happened? totally
  10. my 2 cents start learning how to listen to what u want, not friends for example: i have been courting a lovely woman for a while and i know she is shy and so i asked her ONLINE if she had any free time this week to maybe get together and have some indian food, or hang and chat over coffee, and she said she would check her schedule and get back to me shortly - so, try that. make a few suggestions, let her decide - then back off. i am not expecting a reply from her - i would like [love] one but its not life or death you know - good conversation, relax setting, great food - sounds great to me - but not everyone is like that. she might like rollarderby and i missed that mark - time will tell.
  11. gawd i hate reading my old posts! that was me being all hardcore - lol but that is true if the woman i love is already dating i would not be someone that interferes with her life that way
  12. can u explain a little more? are u saying someone u stopped seeing long ago u hacked into his email and found he was now married and having an affair? first, why would u care? and do u know the others? and do u do that often? why?
  13. TOTALLY AND DO SO WITHOUT CAUSING ANY STRESS STRESS IS A KILLER U KNOW I HAVE RESEARCHED HOW STRESS IMPACTS IBS, BIP, AND SO MANY OTHER THINGS - THAT IS WHY PEOPLE ALWAYS NEED TO HAVE OPEN COMMUNICATION AND A SAFE, STRESS FREE HOME Stress is an important factor in IBS because of the close nervous system connections between the brain and the intestines. Although there are certainly strong biological contributions to the course of bipolar disorder, other diseases, such as diabetes and cancer, had shown strong relationships with stress.Stress Impairs Thinking via Mania-Linked Enzyme and even mild stress can worsen cognitive symptoms, as occurs in bipolar.
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