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hi everyone, I seem to be currently going through this phase about my ex. I think about her and when I think about her I think about how hurt I was and then from there it leads to me fighting back tears. I am afraid to deal with the grief I know that inside..and then I have to go into my hotmail and read old bad conversations with her to get myself to realize things weren't good. I feel like I am going to die if this keeps up. I am an emotional wreck and I simply don't know what to do..I just want to bang my head on my desk and hopefully wake up sometime later forgetting about all of this..

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Why are you fighting back your tears? I say let them out. If you hold all that in it will still be there a few months or years from now and you will not have dealt with your pain. My ex did that after her breakup before me. She distracted herself with friends and excessive partying and a FWB, and then declared that she was suddenly over her marriage breaking up because she was feeling good about herself from all the attention she was getting. But she never took the time to deal with her grief, and it was still there, waiting to raise back up after a year spent building a relationship and planning a life with me.


Face your pain. Learn to cope with your loss. Only then will you really get over it.

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DELETE DELETE DELETE! It's tough because they're memories.. I'm guilty! I have a few text messages from my ex when we were fighting and I keep thinking, "Man... if only I..." but then I stop myself. CRY it out... all you're doing is bottling it up. Embrace your pain and grief. You're only human! We ALL go through it.


Time heals... it really does. Right now, everything looks bleak and it's as if you'll never feel better, but believe it or not, you will =)

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Delete them all!




Because last night I was going through DVD's to collect together all the work I had done over the past year to create a showreel....


I click through the movies and suddenly my ex pops up in quicktime player, happy and smiling straight at me on a bright Summers day!


My thoughts 'She looks so happy!' 'Now she is with someone new'!


Then waves of grief and sadness permeated my whole being!


So you know what I am doing....


Buying another removable drive, backing up all my art work and deleting every picture and movie I have of her!


I already got rid of all emails, took her numbers off my phone...


The way I see it is there is no choice but to do this if you want any sort of fresh start.

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Delete em all - it will be painful, but a cathartic experience. I have all my stuff in boxes right now and am dead set that when I move to my new place in a couple of weeks, evertything is going in the garbage.


This is my third longterm breakup and I do it everytime - I promise you it will feel really good afterwards.

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