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Xmas card from the ex

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I was a child bride and I've been divorced for 14 years now. Once I left the country and never spoke to him again. He scared me. He still does a little.


He's tried contacting me before, but I ignored him. I don't know what he wants.


The Xmas card was fairly clear. He still loves me and misses me and regrets everything he did. Beating me up, cheating on me. There were times where I just gave in because I figured if I resisted he would kill me anyway. Apparently playing possum with people works too.


There's a part of me that's curious about what's happened to him. To see if, as I highly suspect, karma has not been good to him. He took my virginity, my innocence and my ability to trust men. Even though my life is a million miles away from what it was, and is a very good one, I still feel like he took something away that I'll never get back. No matter how hard I try, there is still a residue that colors my relationships.


This feels weird.

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Something, or some ppl are better left in our past. If he was good for you, then contact him- from what I have read he was not. Karma does have a way of working. Trust me, he will get what he deserves. YOU, deserve better than he gave ya, walk away. Obviously, he has regrets with the way he treated you. Silence sometimes is the worst.

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