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Hi guys,


This is Beaker. I'm not sure if you remember me but you guys helped me get through the toughest times during my breakup with my ex and I can happily say that I am on the other side now. I've gone through seeing him with his new girlfriend and not feeling a thing (which I was very proud of) to seeing his friends and being able to say hi without feeling ashamed.


But now, I feel that I need your help again. I've been trying to move on. I started complete no contact at the end of June and have gone through the whole Fall semester only seeing him those few times and having a couple of relapses. I've even been developing a crush on a guy that I am in complete infatuation with but his lack of interest is driving me nuts. I guess I'm just desperate at this point and I know that I am not ready for a relationship but I guess I'm just lonely.


So let me tell you about this guy

This guy is wonderful. He's so mellow and he has the same major as I do and I know that he was crushing on me for a while at the beginning of the semester and we sort of started getting to know each other and the really special thing about us is that we've both been helping each other out with the whole healing process after breakups because his ex also recently broke up with him. So he occasionally IMs me and I do the same. I try not to show too much interest since we both know that it could not go anywhere at the point where we are at but I would soooo love to have that chance with him. So, I really feel like I'm stuck basically...should I just give up on this guy? I really like him.

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Thanks veneratio.

Can I just tell you in detail why I think he likes me?

Well, near the beginning of the semester, most of the guys in our classes started making immature comments about he and I and it was pretty obvious. So I messaged him on facebook and became his friend and eventually built up the courage to instant message him. We talked for a while but then he started telling me about his relationship with his ex and how crushed he was and how he knew that he wouldn't be ready for a relationship, etc...so then I started to talk to him about my ex and the harships that I went through. So we both kind of made it a habit to IM each other randomly when one of us was feeling down. But I'm just soooo shy that it's hard for me to build up the courage to speak to him in class. Imean..we have hung out a couple of times at odd hours of the night, but that really isn't much. And everytime we do hang out, I start to think that he likes me but then a week later, it always seems as if he's lost interest in me. I don't even know why I'm crushing on him so much...but I feel like I can't help it. I'm just so confused. Oh and sometimes, when I IM him, it seems as if he's not too interested in speaking since he really doesn't talk much. I don't know.

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