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I need help.....

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I had a super crappy day.


Since this is a relationship forum - I just wanted to come on and complain about all the relationships I find myself in and how I don't want to be in them.


I feel like I can't deal with people at all.


I have a hard time dealing with my husband sometimes and how much he works, plus I work for him sort of...so I have to deal with him in that capacity...


I HATE our other employees most of the time


I can't at all deal with kids - not a kid person - yet I have like 6 of them (Ok - 3 - fine whatev)



I have the crappiest communication style, I have NO fuse so I get frustrated sooooo super easily....I have really high expectations of people professionally and when they don't live up to them, I can't believe it and I get all weird and frustrated and p-o ed...


I have no coping skills and that makes me angry.


I guess anger is an emotion I too readily identify with.



arrrrghhhh I hate people!!


I ALWAYS slow my car down so people can merge. I ALWAYS stop for people who are in the cross walk. If I see someone sitting at a stop and the traffic is non-stop whizzing by them, I will stop my car and hold the line of traffic so they can go - so they don't have to sit there all say waiting.


NO ONE EVER stops for me when I'm in the crosswalk! Even if I'm with my kids and it's the law!!!



I feel like becoming a hermit! I HATE dealing with people. I hate it. I feel like my head will explode.


I hate everybody (OK - not EVERYBODY - I don't hate YOU!!)


How does one be a person who hates other persons in a world full of people??

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Draw two circles, outer-circle and inner-circle.


outer-circle call a circle of concern > it's a bad circle - it cause worries and anger!!


inner-circle call a circle of influance > it's a good circle, hence! move your self into this circle, it and try to forget what happened to you and be calm like nothing happened..

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awwww....thanks you guys!


You're right DN - I've been telling my husband I need to see someone....I really do.


Thanks Bendy...no, not nearly enuff T time!


Caldus - thanks for summing that up fo rme. I tihnk that is my new anthem. "Hell is other people" - Ta-rue Dat!


Thaks Mo - Inner circle - got it.


RQ - Love you too!


ALS- Screw the machete - I had a fully automatic machine gun with unlimited ammo - I was ready to take out MANY at a time..... But if coffee with you is on the table as an alternative, Coffee it is!


Thanks everyone. I really do hate everyone but you guys....

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I can't at all deal with kids - not a kid person - yet I have like 6 of them (Ok - 3 - fine whatev)



My mom used to say, "it's so hard when you have 10 kids" and we would tell her, "you only have 3 of them!" She would say, "well, it feels like I have 10".


We didn't get it when we were 7 years old, but we get it now.


It sounds like you have alot on your plate and it's easy to get frusterated. You're allowed to hate everyone some days.

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I've been sitting here thinking what a bad person I am for actually just wanting everyone to go away... I'm all about the alone time.


Yeah, I think it's about accepting yourself. I find when I feel better about myself, I feel better about everything else.


But. Single biggest problem that affects my relating to other people? My relationship with my husband. That "main relationship" has to be good for me to handle everything else. I'm noticing it right now, actually, because he & I are trying to "readjust" or "fine tune" or who knows. Do you find there's any difference when you feel good about your relationship, as opposed to when you don't?

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  • 2 weeks later...
I can't at all deal with kids - not a kid person - yet I have like 6 of them (Ok - 3 - fine whatev)

Aw! That really made me laugh LOL


I absoultely ADORE your brutal honesty and your lack of mommy sentimentalism.


Im not a kid person either. May I ask why having 3 kids when you´re not a kid person? Or maybe you thought you were one, until you actually had to start dealing with your own kids? If so, why not stopping at #1?



In other matters, how did you manage to change your user name? Is that something only VIP members with + posts can do? Just wondering.

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Aw! That really made me laugh LOL


I absoultely ADORE your brutal honesty and your lack of mommy sentimentalism.


Im not a kid person either. May I ask why having 3 kids when you´re not a kid person? Or maybe you thought you were one, until you actually had to start dealing with your own kids? If so, why not stopping at #1?



In other matters, how did you manage to change your user name? Is that something only VIP members with + posts can do? Just wondering.




Thanks Baby Carrott.


I actually AM a kid person, when I'm not the one doing the daily responsibility things. I did FINE with and after the first one. We had a really easy and great time. So having a second seemed as natural as breathing. But the third one sort of just happened and happened really fast and close to the 2nd....just got to be too much, too quickly.


I asked to change my screen name cos I was using the other one on a different chat forum I was on and had a weird stalker thing going on and I was a little nervous about being tracked.....no special treatment....

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