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Condom Scare - worried


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My fiancee and I always have protected sex (I always wear a spermicide condom and we are always generally very careful).


Last night we had a scare though;


She was on top. She was wearing her panties, which I pulled aside before inserting my penis. I was wearing a think, strong condom with spermicide, marketed as 'extra safe.' The fit of the condom was very good as usual. I felt myself ejaculate while she was on top of me and it felt like the condom was still on. I didn't withdraw as she told me she was close to coming too, but she didn't in the end. So I immediately withdrew and nothing felt unusual, just like always.


But I looked down at my penis as always after withdrawing and to our horror the condom wasn't on it. She realised the condom was hanging from the opening of her vagina. The ring of the condom was about a centimetre outside the opening. She easily pulled it out by the ring and help it up. There was sperm collected in the tip of the condom, with no signs at all that it has broken, burst or split. The condom hadn't gotten lost inside her and it was the right way round/up. I noticed what I think was sperm on my stomach, just above my penis.


We think that what happened was when I withdrew, we forgot to do what we normally do if she is wearing panties, we forgot to pull them aside again to make sure my penis and condom withdrew correctly. We think my penis must have gotten a little less hard towards the end of making love, and as I withdrew it, the ring must have gotten caught on her panties a little, meaning that my penis pulled out, leaving the condom still slightly inside the opening of her vagina. Some of the sperm collected inside the condom must have fallen onto my stomach somehow.


My fiancee and I went to a clinic and she took the morning after pill. She is not on the pill, we just use condoms whenever we make love. This is the 1st time she has taken the morning after pill. It was 10 hours after making love when she took it. We think she was on day 17 since her last period.


Weighing up the fact she was on top, I wore a strong, think spermecide condom and it didn't break, but was left in her vagina when my penis pulled out after making love, and she took the morning after pill 10 hours after love making, would you say there is a fairly low chance she might be pregnant?


Sure, we know nothing is guaranteed and there is a chance, but considering the circumstances and facts, should we be really really concerned?



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Thanks for your fast replies. She's 27.


I guess we're both just worried that we might be the 5%, when we read that the morning after pill is 95% successful or whatever.


But does the fact the condom looked fine and all the other stuff make you think it's unlikely?


Thanks again for your posts.



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Here's about the morning after pill:


How well does it work?


If it is taken within 3 days (72 hours) after unprotected sex, emergency contraception will decrease the chance that you will get pregnant by up to 89%. On average, if 100 women have unprotected sex once during the second or third week of their cycle, 8 will become pregnant. Following treatment with emergency contraception, only 1 or 2 will become pregnant. Although it is less effective if taken after 3 days, studies have shown that emergency contraception may still reduce your risk of pregnancy when it is taken up to 5 days (120 hours) after unprotected sex. In the US, it is estimated that emergency contraception could prevent 1.7 million unintended pregnancies every year.


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Her chance of getting pregnant is 1-2% IF NO CONDOM WAS USED, not too much to worry about in my opinion.


Hugs, Rose

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I think the chances are pretty much nil. You both took all the necessary steps to keep yourselves safe and protected. Believe me, I've had worse scares, and thankfully I've never gotten anyone pregnant. Although accidents do happen, I think usually you have to be really trying to get pregnant. It also matters how fertile you are as a couple also. Now seems like it would be a good time for the two of you to have a really honest discussion about what you would like to do and what your options are in the case of all of the various possible scenarios; to keep it or not to keep it, the pill, surgery, etc. Don't worry about it right now though, I'm sure you'll be fine.

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I never experienced anything extreme on the morning after pill. I think you took the right action-- the risk of her being pregnant is as small as it can be under the circumstances-- and close to zero. Get a test for sure and don't get too stressed out-- that can delay her period and add to even more stress



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Although accidents do happen, I think usually you have to be really trying to get pregnant. .


I just want to point out to you that in most cases women get pregnant they aren't trying.. One "oops" and you're pregnant.


As for the original poster, everything has already been said you did the right thing as far as precaution and the chances are slim to none that she is pregnant but I think now is the perfect time to discuss her going on BC though.

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For starters the way the condom came off it is veryunlikely you got any sperm inside her, probably like a 2% chance so you probably have a 1 in 9310 chance of her getting pregnant after that and the pill, if that makes you feel any better. I mean the "Entrance" (don't know what to call it) to the condom was outside her vagina and the reason it was on your stomache was most likely it dripped out onto you, so hold the panic.


I had a scare once, but the condom had actually totaly split as I was using one that was too small from the family planning clinic and I came inside her. She was on the pill so she trusted that would stop her getting pregnant and thank God it did. It's always nice to have something as backup e.g. the pill though.

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