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Jealousy is a.....


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Jealousy is lack of self esteem and low self confidence.


It serves no importance to any relationship or person. It is thereforeeee a wasted emotion.


Jealousy only ruins relationships, and the persons own ability to be able to control their feelings and behaviours, and is too often used as an excuse for a majorety of relatioship conflicts.


True or false?



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I think Jealousy is quite normal to a degree, if you saw someone hitting on your SO, you can feel a little jealous even if you are secure in your relationship I think.


If you've never felt jealousy in your relationships sparkle than I admire you, possibly to the point of being jealous of you...

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Ahhh well that is where your jealousy is wasted my dear friend Zom!!


I am the most jealous person ever!! I get jealous over the most silliest of things...


I was simple poising the question....and i've heard people say what i've typed lots of times before....


Sparkle xx

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Jealousy is a part of normal human emotion. It doesn't necessary to have to do harm. all depends on how the person handles their jealousy.


If one is able to confine their jealousy, hopefully someone will notice he/she is acting funny/weird, and then find out why he/she is jealous, their may be touched/happy to find out that his/her jealous sprouted from pure emotions.


However, if their jealous gets out of hand and they do something really stupid and destructive...well there goes the end of the relationship/career.

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Jealousy is always lurking for the proud and confident as well as the less self-impressed. You may go years without a twinge, then have it cross your path and clobber you.


If you can avoid emotional bonds with others, you can be free of jealousy, along with dozens of other problems.

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Ahhh well that is where your jealousy is wasted my dear friend Zom!!


I am the most jealous person ever!! I get jealous over the most silliest of things...


I was simple poising the question....and i've heard people say what i've typed lots of times before....


Sparkle xx



Well I'm no longer jealous of you!


Well everyone seems in agreement, it's unhealthy and unnatural NOT to be jealous - as long as you control it.

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As many times as I have heard people complain about jealousy and their partner or people bein jealous, it is an emotion that people love to hate and like it in different breath. If a persons significant other didnt get jealous then society would tell us that they do not care about us. I make a distinction with jealousy and I believe irrational jealousy and justified jealousy are two different things but with a different problem attached to each.

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I think that there are different kinds of jealousy. Some are kind of cute, where you see someone eyeing your SO...you're reminded that you have a "catch". Then, there are others that are induced out of insecurity or worst...that are based on real reasons. I dated this one womanizer type who was always flirting with women in front of me and making me jealous. This didn't happen with other men, so I finally realized that he was the problem and broke up with him. He sucked. So in a way, jealousy can be a good way of warning you about the person you are with or a good way of letting you know you're with a great guy.

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I don't think jealousy is solely a lack of self esteem.


I think its a mechanism to ensure loyalty! Just like depression is, biologically/evolution-wise, a mechanism inciting us to give up on strenuous endeavours by taking away our motivation.


Being jealous concerning a boy/girlfriend, to small degree, is absolutely normal and healthy. If we were all neutral, "That's-fine-honey" robots then human nature wouldn't exist at all, would it?

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