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Girlfriend Betrayed My Trust - What Now?

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i think you may be overreacting... tell me honestly: if you saw an e-mail from her last "ex" in her e-mail (if she ever had it), wouldn't you be jealous? wouldn't you want to know if you were being cheated on? ok, she has betrayed your trust, but so what? i mean, that's such a small thing, for someone who has nothing to hide, you're certainly not behaving like it...

just give her a break, she acted out of pure jealousy... i wouldn't say that i would do the same, but i'd understand... sometimes one gets insecure... it is better that she has seen it and read what it said on it than to just seeing her name on the e-mail and start imagining the worse of the worst things that could happen...


take it easy on the girl, please... she DID betray your trust, but come on... you're making a big deal out of nothing... wouldn't you be jealous too?

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