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hey i have a weird situation and i don't know what i should do. ok my ex and i started talkin again on thanksgiving and for five days straight. we have kissed and cuddled up every night. she told me that she was being dumb for breaking up with me. it was stupid of her. i asked her how she felt about me and she told me that she really likes me. she was suppose to go on a date with some guy that asked her to go bowling with her. and she said yea. but she ended up staying with me on her free will and i asked her why she didnt go and she said becuase i wanted to stay with the person i like. sooner or later she started calling me baby boo and stuff like she use too. and i think it was a good sign. so one night she was suppose to come over but she didnt and she said she will tomorrow. and then she mentioned that i need to talk to you . so i hope its a good thing. the next day came and she told me sorry again i cant make it ill come over tomorrow and i was like i guess whatever you had to talk to me about wasnt important but its fine. and i told her that you have a goodnight with a smile at the end. so i keep feeling weird about this but thats me being stupid. i think i should wait becuase it seems like waiting works. if yuo guys could help me with your opinion i would greatly appreciate it thanks

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Her mind is definitly twisted, undecisive and lacks l-o-y-a-l-t-y , she knows and admits that she is stupid, so i'll give her credit for aknowledging that much. Personally i wouldn't want to be with her, because she has a lot of factors that cause unstability in the relationship. Her commitment to you is thinner then a fishing line, you know this is a classic Dog + Leash type of relationship, if you let the leash too loose the dog will run away, if you hold it too short the dog will suffocate , so holding it at bay in the middle is just right. At this moment she(the dog) does whatever she want and is running wherever she wants , meaning you have no control over her whatsoever.


You need to pull her back and demand responsibility over the actions of why she just left you the other night, to me it didn't even seem that you complained, meaning you are letting her walk all over you and getting away with it. And personally i think that is your fault in all of this, exersise more control over this relationship as i explained in the dog on a leash method.

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she sounds like she is floating in and out based on whatever plans she makes (or decides to break)... i wouldn't wait around for her or schedule any more time with her if she can't even boether to show up... that is being very disrespectful and she seems to just be dating whoever she pleases when she pleases.


next time she calls and says she wants to come over, i'd be busy doing something else, and tell her you don't want to be half in and half out of the relationship based on her mood of the day...

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