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How many times have you heard this phrase?

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How many times have you heard this phrase before..."You will meet that special person when you least expect it" I heard some people saying that and also read it online somewhere..Many say its true that you will meet a girl when you least expect it...Is that true? or just maybe luck? Or probably being at the right place at the right time..

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I think there's a kernel of truth in that statement in that when you're really expecting and actively trying to meet that special person, you give off a desperate vibe, which is unattractive and hence pushes potential matches away. However, if you're happy with single life and aren't looking for love at every corner, you project a positive, confident image -- which is attractive, so you're more likely to get others interested in you then.

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My mom has been waiting for 20 years. Do I think it's true? Yes. But it may not happen in the amount of time you would like it to.


A lot of it depends on how much you put yourself out there, your availability so to speak. Going to work then home everyday may lower your chances as opposed to someone who is active out in society a great deal

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I think there's a kernel of truth in that statement in that when you're really expecting and actively trying to meet that special person, you give off a desperate vibe, which is unattractive and hence pushes potential matches away. However, if you're happy with single life and aren't looking for love at every corner, you project a positive, confident image -- which is attractive, so you're more likely to get others interested in you then.


Very wise words! Excellent post, never thought of it in that way, but is sooo true!


By the way, I didn't realise my special person was there all the time. Took 7 years or so before the penny dropped.


And I was 37 then, was not looking, had resigned myself to the fact (years before) that at least while my kids where young, would never meet anyone special to spend the rest of my life with.


Low and behold, here I am now, with a new future mapped out.


It will happen, but you can't force it.

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I think if we are available, then we are subconsciously looking for a mate even if we are not actively persuing someone. Quite often, people try to force a romance with someone they are physcially attracted do and the other person isn't and I think this gives rise to that saying perhaps? Also, when we go to clubs and gatherings where you are more likely to meet someone, you often don't find that special someone.


I met my husband when I really didn't want a relationship..... perhaps a little flirting and some sex... but a relationship NO!


He had given up meeting anyone he wanted to be with and was dragged out to the bar the night I met him there with mutual friends.


He casually gave me a card at the end of the evening and said that if I was ever interested in going to dinner or for a coffee to call him, but he didn't really like dancing and clubs and stuff.


Neither of us were actively searching for someone but it was just the right person.


Funny about your phrase of meeting someone when you least expect it because his Mum kept telling him that and said it on the night he met me! lol.


He would say she was right.

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I think more than anything else its if you believe the statement is true. What determines when you meet the right person, you or fate? And is at the point you start looking for that someone or do you just happen to run into them? So think question is really do "you" personally believe its true?

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