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ok . . . my gf broke up with me back in march and said she wanted to date around and see whats out there and all that good stuff after a 2 year relationship. . she starts dating this kid i went to high school with 2 weeks later . . . i hate the kid so its obviously a bad situation for me . . . so i try to get her back for about 2 months and in the middle of june i went NC . . on our 2 year anniversery at the beginning of july she send me a text that says . . "today was two year" just to remind me of it i guess . . . and ever since that text she has been calling/texting/leaving voicemail/or emailing me once atleast ever 2-3 weeks . . . a few times in was 2-3 times in a week . . . i have not responded to her or anything . . . so its been 5 months and its still going on .. .she is still with this same guy so she obviously knows we cant be friends be cause of the situation.. . . . . .so why does she keep trying to contact me?. .


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21 minutes ago

when they first started dating she even admitted part of the reason was because he was there and she hates being alone


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49 minutes ago

this is her latest message


hey (name)!! hows it goin? boy, youve sure been hard to get a hold of lately! i was thinkin about stoppin by sometime, so unless i hear otherwise from you ill see you soooon!! k byeee!!


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she sounds kind of immature. "byeeeeeeee"? blah. well, I'm really happy for her that she got to sniff around and fool around with other guys, but don't you think you deserve better? it sounds like she hasn't found better in the last 9 months, so here she is!


blah. blah. blah.

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hey (name)!! hows it goin? boy, youve sure been hard to get a hold of lately! i was thinkin about stoppin by sometime, so unless i hear otherwise from you ill see you soooon!! k byeee!!


errrm.... It seems like she is planning on stopping by if she does NOT hear from you. if you don't want to see her, tell her you aren't interested anymore.

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it sounds like she is just going to pop up somewhere to see you from her text message... i'd just decide what you want from her and tell her and be done... that is, if you might want her back then text her to call you if she breaks up with her boyfriend otherwise NC... but if you don't want her back, just tell her you want NC and quit responding to anything from her.


she sounds a bit flakey/flighty, like she just wants to flit around among guys and keep her options open... do you want that? probably not...

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No no no.

Dont let her come, she did it once and she can do it again. Keep ignoring, or send a simple no thanks. This isnt even about if you can do better than her or not, its that you dont want to be the kind of guy that lets himself get stepped on. Thats just my opinion though.

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