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I Love You...please post

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Hey everyone, I would really love it if you guys took some time and posted here about the first time someone told you they loved you or the first time you said it to someone. Where, when, how... stuff like that. I really want to say it to my bf but he really values those words and won't use it until he's positive, which is fine, but kinda frustrating cus I can't know how he feels.


So please take some time and help me out!

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I was in the same boat as you. I really wanted to say it to my boyfriend, but I was afraid he wasn't ready yet. I ended up waiting for him to say it first, and then let him know that I loved him to and had for awhile. It was really cute how he did it. We were walking outside and playing our question game, and he stopped me and asked, "What would you do if I said I love you?" and he was giving me kisses while saying this. So I said I'd say I love him too. It was very sweet


How long have you guys been together for?

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I know this is slightly hypocritical since I waited for my boyfriend to say it, but I think at 7 months if you want to say it you should. Unless you feel that he's just really not ready to hear it. You also can't expect to hear it back, so you'd have to want to say it just to let him know how you feel.

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Well.. so far, i've only used that word twice. One to a guy i've been waiting for for 4 years until i finally decided to just let it all out.we were in our old high school and were having a one on one convo, when he was about to leave (we were at the cafe) i sat there watching him walk away, when he was near the gate, i ran up to him and grab him by his hand and told him i love him right there and then. we ended up going out for a while but then i had to move away. and the second time,well.. it was at night, and my current bf picked me up from home and we was going somewhere, we had a serious talk about things, sorta like an update for both of us with our relationship. so we sat there just really quiet..and he said 'you're all i ever wanted' ... and i gave him a hug..and it just came out. i said 'i love you'... it was so sudden because i dont know whether i meant it or not..and so i said 'sorry..it just came out'...but he said he hope i would say that one day and really mean it because he loves me...

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Daligal83 That is absolutely adorable! Well mines kinda bad lol. The first time i told my guy i loved him he said nothing. Not anything at all. Just sat weirdly. But it was sooooo cute at the park he asked me if i believed in love at first site, and i said i guess. He explained that he doesn't even know if love exists but the way he felt about me was the closest thing to it. It was sweet but he didn't say the three words (not that im complaining i mean dude thats so sweet!). Then last night we were IMing each other and i was pretty upset about something and he told me not to hurt myself cuz that would do more damage to him that he'll talk to me tomorrow and after i said goodbye he said i luv you and signed off. It doesn't sound that great but in context to what we were talking about it made me feel so special!


nadine, i agree with Daligal83 if you want to say it then do unless he really isn't ready. Either way 7 months soon! Go you!!!

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Well the first time I told my girlfriend I loved her, was after we had watched a movie in her basement and were cuddling on the couch. We were about three months into the relationship, and I just whispered in her ear "I love you." She said it back, but later told me it didn't feel quite right, and she was afraid of saying it too early. I told her that was fine, and then about a month later a similar situation came up, where I felt the urge to say it, but instead I said, "I care so much about you." Then she just hugged me really tight and told me she was ready to say it, so we both did.

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My boyfriend and I were sitting on his couch one afternoon. He was sitting down, and I was kind of lying on my side, but on top of him (facing him) - if that makes any sense. We were kissing, but not lustfully, it was more like sweet/intimate kisses.


He suddenly stopped and whispered to me, "I think I'm falling for you." It wasn't an I-love-you, but it was a PRECURSOR to an I-love-you (it happened a day or two later). But when he said this, I knew what he meant. I remember this better than I remember him saying I-love-you for the first time.


I didn't need to be in a special place, or a beautiful place, and I didn't need to have tons of candles lit and rose petals all over the place in order for it to be special for me. It was the best just the way it was-- sitting on his sofa.

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It was with my now ex bf/bestfriend.



We were just cuddling up on a bench at a park near his house, after studying together. I just felt so safe. I always knew I loved him - as a person, not in a romantic way, but I guess because I had a crush on him, my emotions got mixed up.


Anyway, we were joking around and i kept on teasing him so he was dangling me (dont ask me to explain..) hes like SAY THE MAGIC WORD (we're pretty childish with each other) im like PLEAAAAAAASE... hes like noooooo. so im like THANK YOU?!!


hes like noopppppe! so im like I LOVE YOU! hes like yea thats it babe.

right when i said I.. between the I and love.. oh my god this weird shiver ran up my spine. he picked me up, held me for a bit and sat me on his lap. We sat like that for a bit. Then we went back to just teasing each other.


That's the first time I told him I loved him.


The first time he said it, he just sort of confessed. "You know, I love you." *squint face*. I had no response. He then asked if he could kiss me. lol.

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actually, i think it is GREAT that your boyfriend won't say it until he is sure about it... there are so many people who throw those words out when it is really just a manipulation or social convention to grease the wheels to get what they want...


having said that, i think you have to be true to your own feelings.... if you really do feel a huge love for him, don't hold back and say what you feel... but also say that you don't expect him to declare his love for you until he feels that it is appropriate and he really means it... and your own love for him doesn't demand that he say the same when he isn't ready yet...


the best thing about real love is that you are as concerned about the feelings of the one you love much or more than your own... so a meaningless 'i love you' is unsettling, but when it is truly meant, it is so welcome, so incredible...


so no way should you ever expect or demand an 'i love you' unless it is sincere, and when it is, that is great for both of you! and if it is at different times, not really a problem, everyone should be able to find their own feelings, in their own time.

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My boyfriend and I were sitting on his couch one afternoon. He was sitting down, and I was kind of lying on my side, but on top of him (facing him) - if that makes any sense. We were kissing, but not lustfully, it was more like sweet/intimate kisses.


He suddenly stopped and whispered to me, "I think I'm falling for you." It wasn't an I-love-you, but it was a PRECURSOR to an I-love-you (it happened a day or two later). But when he said this, I knew what he meant. I remember this better than I remember him saying I-love-you for the first time.

that is EXACTLY how my first "I love you" sort of situation happened with my ex, except I was the boyfriend. brings tears to the eyes

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My ex and I were playing a competitive game with some friends, and we were on opposing teams. Well, he's really good, and I couldn't get past the area that he was defending...So I told him (quite loudly) that I hated him (in that frustrated but teasing tone), and he yelled back that he loved me too. I didn't make much of it then, but a couple of weeks later we were cuddling on his couch, and I told him that I loved him, he told me he loved me too...And later he admitted that what he said during the game was actually intended to be a precursor to the real statement...*sigh* I still remember it all very well.

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