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oral sex first time this weekend help

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hi everyone, i am new here hopefully someone can help me with a couplef questions i have..




Ok well i have my first serious girlfriend that i have ever had, she is great and i really like being around her. I just feel really good when im around her its cool i have never experienced that before, ok well anyway on to the question, we have not got very far sexualy, i have felt her boobs under her shirt and put my hand down her pants while we were making out and stuff, but thats as far as we have gone with stuff. Anyway she tells me that this friday her parents will be gone for the weekend and they are leaving the house to her for the weekend for this first time and after she tells me that at school she kinda hints that she wants to try oral sex this weekend at her house, she dident say it but i could tell thats what she ment. Ok well this made me excited because i have never done it, but now as the weekend comes closer i am starting to get nervous. I have never seen a girls vagina except in like the 1 porn i have watched at a friends house, but never in real life. Im neverous cause i dont know anything about what to do? i know they call it "eating her out" but are you just supposed to lick or what? does it matter were or just like everywhere? also one onther thing, what am i supposed to do when she is like doing it to me and i am about to ejacelate?? in the movie i watched guys like sprey it on the girls, but i dont know is this even normal??? what am i supposed to do?? sorry i dont know if this kind of talk is allowed on this forum and im sorry if its not?, i just am kind of shy and cant ask my friends stuff like this or even look it up on the internet because of my super strict stupid parents and there computer internet doesnt allow me to lookup anything.


ok well thanks bye



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Ok first off..when it comes to sexual acts with someone you actually care about..porn is usually not your friend in reguards to techinque..especially for the first time!


When she does it to you, be respectful...HANDS OFF THE HEAD....and let her know youre getting close so she can choose whether she wants it in her mouth (your semen).


WHen you go down on her...its best to start off slow..soft tongue...and work in towards the clitoris. MAke out a good bit first..with this being her first time shes going to probably be very sensitive and this will help her get warmed up.

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I think the most important thing you can do is make sure you're clean and have good hygeine. Hopefully she will do the same. Cleanliness will make things 10x more enjoyable.


Communication is very important, watch her body language. Always compliment her on her body, and don't say anything insensitive like, 'wow i didn't know they looked like THAT'.. and if she tastes bad, never say it...


ok as for technique... you probably want her to be laying down in a comfortable position. Start out slowly, and don't focus too fast on her vagina. Kiss, suck, lick her nipples, her ear, neck, stomach... wherever she likes it.


then once she starts moving her hips towards your mouth, find her clit and lick it.... every woman is different, so be sensitive to her reactions. her clit can be very sensitive, so you need to experiment to see what pressure is best. ask her what she wants, and go with it.


for your first time, just relax and enjoy the experience. don't cum on her face... lol. unless she's into that i guess. but it's pretty messy, so either she can try keeping it in her mouth, or get some tissue

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If her parents are going to be gone then I say have fun with it. Dont worry about going straight for any kind of sex instead explore your gf's body and just have fun with it. There is plenty of time for oral and all the other stuff dont jump into something where you are just gonna go in blind. Build yourself up to it.

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Hi Jim -


I agree with rodeo-rider. Try a few different things and ask her what she likes. Do start by kissing her tighs near the vagina and work your way in teasingly slow.


I saw this late night program on cable with these sex experts and it was a woman telling this guy how to have oral sex with his wife. She suggested soft licks like you would lick and ice cream cone and she said to spell out the alphabet on the clitoris with your licks nice and slow. I wouldn't tell her that's what you are doing but give it a try.


You'll find the clitoris without a problem. If she's excited this will be the swollen bump above the opening of her vagina and I'm sure you've felt that with your hand. You can stick your tongue in her vagina but from what I understand most girls don't want you doing that for a long time, they'd rather have you focus on the clitoris.


I'm not encouraging you to have sex but make sure you have a condom with you. Things can get out of hand very quickly. Also make sure that after you come, none of that sperm gets near her vagina.


As far as her swallowing goes, just let her know that you are about to come. If she wants to swallow she'll stay in place, if she doesn't she'll take her mouth off of you and hopefully use her hand.


Good luck,

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hi everyone, thanks alot for your replies that really helps me alot with this weekend thanks alot. its great there is a place you can go to ask these types of questions i think it helps alot. One other thing if you guys dont mind ok well i remember from my sex ed class that you can get stds from oral sex, but since neither of us have ever had any type of sex we dont have to worry right? so we dont need a condom for oral sex? if it does end up in her mouth and she swallows it she doesnt have to worry about any stds right? i mean you have to actually have to hav some to start with you cant just like alraedy have any diseases you can give to someone else right?


i feel stupid asking these questions but i really dont have anyone i can ask except here ok thanks





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Hi Jim -


Those aren't stupid questions. Trust me, I'm 45 and I worry about the same things.


Yes you can get STD's from oral sex and they do actually make flavored condoms for just this reason (I can't imagine what a regular latex condom would taste like).


That being said, everything you do in your life has a degree of risk. So even though you are both inexperienced there is still a slight risk but a much smaller risk than you would have with a girl that had really been around.


I'd have to guess that most people don't use condoms during oral sex and I'm not aware of any real way for you to protect your mouth from any STD's that she might have. It is a decision you two will have to make on your own. But you absolutely cannot have intercourse without a condom until you are married and can support your family and you are trying to have kids. OK?

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Hi again, well we dont plan on having actual sexual intercourse and i would not do it even if she wanted to. niether of us have ever really done anything with anyone before and besides putting my hand down her pants thats the farthest both of us have ever gone with anyone. And to the condom thing well i cant ask my parents and my friends dont have girlfriends so i cant ask them either, and i am way to shy to walk into a store and get some..is there any other way?


To answer the other question i just turned 14, but i probably have like the sexual knowledge of like a 2nd grader because i was taken out of school in 5th grade and put in a stupid ultra religious crappy school. my parents dont let me do anything cant even watch pg movies they are kind of insane, they think i should like wait until im 17 to even have a girlfriend. They dont even know i have a girlfriend but i really dont care because i am sick of their insane rules that make no sense, ok well i will stop complaining thanks everyone i hope this weekend goes well


thanks, bye



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Just turned 14 okay abit young but i was 15 when i first had sex also i bit young, jst remember you dont need to rush things okay you have you whole life to do things like that, just make sure thats what yous both want to do and not only one of yous. Dont do anything yous will regret later on

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That was a typo i just turned 15 not 14, sorry always in a rush and dont catch alot of my crappy typing. and I wont do stuff to get back at my parents but there rules are really stupid and based in fantasy land not reality. I am 15 and catch watch the simpsons???? when i was 14 my friends mom caught both my friend and I with a playboy and my mom grounded me FOR 6 MONTHS and I had to write a 8 page paper on why my decision was so wrong., I couldnt do anything with my friends for half a year because i saw a girl without a top on??? my mom is totally crazy. its because of them i have like the real world knowledge of a 3rd grader.


i almost hope they find out about us because i really dont care what they think about our relationship, i now know exactly how NOT to raise a kid so at least i learned something. ok well as you can tell my parents piss me off, oh well at least i can vent here, thanks for listening



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Oh 15 then yeah thats not so bad, just take things slow and enjoy yourselves, it will be a great exspreience for the both of you.


You parents dont need to know, but you should let them meet your girlfriend though they will like that and it shows that you trust them aswell

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One thing I saw already posted here, but it bears repeating: Don't jump right into jamming your head in her crotch!


Take it easy, take it slow, give yourselves time to just have fun and explore each others' bodies. If either of you feels uncomfortable with the idea of oral when the time finally comes, then agree to maybe try it some other time when you are both completely ready. Make sure you tell her that it's ok to give you little instructions as to what feels good.


Good luck!

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Might be too late, but lots of restaurants that have bars as well have a condom dispenser in the restrooms. Can you remember any you have been to that have one?


At any rate, if you're mature enough to think about sex, you should be mature enough to get a box and buy them!

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hey again everyone,


well I just came back to say thanks so much. This weekend was the best one i have ever had, and im not just saying that. we ended up trying it out, and it was the greatest experience ever. Everyones tips and stuff helped me so much and helped me with my nerves, she was soo nervous too i could tell but we got through it and we spent the entire weekend together basically naked the whole time lol, i did have to come up with a good lie for my parents but i dont really care because it was the best time i have ever had. Not just because of the sexual stuff but just being together and exploring each other and like having fun together was just so amazing i loved it. At one point she got on top of me in the, um i dont know the name i think its cowgirl position (no we didnt have sex at all) and we just sat there and looked into each others eyes and it was just so amazing. The feelings were just somthingf totally different then i have ever felt it is difficult to explain but it was the greatest feeling ever i just felt..bliss i guess you would explain it, like total bliss it was amazing, and i loved it., I feel so good around her!! even writing this brings a smile to my face thinking about it, it was just an awesome time.

I guess that probably sounds cheesy or corny but i dont care


ok well thanks again everyone, i would not been totally lost without some of the things i read here, you guys are great thanks again.





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