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What do people think of lesbians?

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I know this is short but I LOVE lesbians and I think every straight guy will agree with me on this one. lol



As long as they are good looking lesbians of course! Straight men love "girl on girl" action, but only if the girls in question are attractive. Why? Because men find women's bodies beautiful, and 2 beautiful bodies intertwined are better than 1!


I have friends who are very manly lesbians, "butch" if you will. The last thing I would want to do is watch them make out.

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I saw this thread is a month old, but I do have a couple of comments towards this topic, hope you don´t mind.


I always thought that people thought that lesbians were quite butch, which kind of puts me off... I mean, I`m not butch and I don`t want people thinking that I am if I tell them I`m lesbian (which I`m not sure about right now).

I think there are basically 2 ways on how lesbians are perceived by the "public".


One is the "butcher" or "tomboy" kind of lesbian. You know, big, no make up, short hair, baggy clothes and kind of tough attitude (I´m sorry, I do not mean to make a cartoon out of anybody, I´m just trying to describe this labels).


The other one is the "lipstick lesbian". Which is, a lesbian lady that looks very feminin and even girlie. Wears make up, dresses, nice hairdo, etc. Guess this ones are like harder to "spot" since they basically look like any "regular" hetero girl out there that likes to look pretty for guys.


Plus, if you were a girl and your friend told you she was gay, would you be kinda scared that she would try to hit on you or be checking you out?

No, actually I´d appreciate her honesty and probably feel very intrigued about knowing if she thinks I´m "hot" LOL Scared? No way! I´m more scared about girls whose only purpose in life is finding a husband and living happily ever after with lots of babies... (bleugh!)


I was afraid of being come on to and would be pretty disturbed by the thought,

I felt like that when I was in highschool. I´m not a lesbian, but I felt there was something wrong with me because all the other girls had a boyfriend, and I didn´t have one single guy even interested in me. So it hit me. I was like, damn. So, that´s why I don´t have a boyfriend? Cuz boys somehow smell I´m a total lesbian and I don´t even know it? And I really felt sick. Like a freak or something. But now I see there´s no biggie and is noone´s business but mine.


I won`t be able to have a proper family, a house with a husband and kids. The biggest emotion was sadness.

Were you raised to think that´s what you were supposed to want from life? Cuz, not being a lesbian (but slightly bisexual) that´s not for me either, and there´s nothing to be sad about. Many fabulous things in life do not include a hubby and a baby.



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Were you raised to think that´s what you were supposed to want from life? Cuz, not being a lesbian (but slightly bisexual) that´s not for me either, and there´s nothing to be sad about. Many fabulous things in life do not include a hubby and a baby.

Hey ho! Any new thoughts are appreciated! I haven`t had to think about this in a while, so I`m no further in discovering whether I am or not! Though an interesting thing I realised is that lately I`m awkwardly aware of the other person`s boobs if I`m hugging a girl. Does that mean anything??


anway. In answer to your question, yes, I was brought up that way, big time. It`s partly because I`m a romantic at heart and partly because of this cultural upbringing. Japan tends to be a bit stuck in the older times and there are still many women who quit jobs and happily take care of cooking and housework. To be fair, there is a strong focus on the value of family, and I think it`s partly a recognition that the family has to be taken care of by someone, and this caretaker role is one that women take pride in. But part of this also is the belief that finding love and then having children are basically the biggest happiness you can win in life. I`m a firm believer that people should follow their dreams, but I also dream of finding that person who I would love and be able to raise a family with. Maybe it`s the biological clock ticking that makes this idea more and more appealing; maybe it`s because as friends find their own partners and lives I feel more and more alone; and because I don`t have a concrete goal to focus on right now, I end up thinking about that. But either way, if I became the most successful artist or whatever, I would still be sad at the end of the day if I didn`t have a family to go home to and share it with.

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I`m awkwardly aware of the other person`s boobs if I`m hugging a girl. Does that mean anything??

LOL Well, what can I say? Boobs make the world go round and round You can´t deny (male or female, gay, straight or bi) the sex appeal of boobs! Just feel happy you have girls around to hug I guess Wish I could do the same!


Japan tends to be a bit stuck in the older times

U japanese, or are in Japan?


because I don`t have a concrete goal to focus on right now, I end up thinking about that.

Yeah, that makes sense. Don´t listen to that bilogical clock ticking hooey LOL Inevitably, life has this ackward and annoying empty moments where you just don´t know where you´re going, or where you wanna go anymore. Guess is part of the ride.


IMO it´d be a huge mistake trying to neutralize or "get over" that empty moments by getting married and popping out babies to the world, and blame your biological clock on it. Cuz when you finally get your groove back, you will be seriously stuck for life with a family you created out of boredom and solitude. You´re gonna have a concrete focus for sure: to take care of the kids and make it work, but, do you really want to have that as the main attraction of your life?


But either way, if I became the most successful artist or whatever, I would still be sad at the end of the day if I didn`t have a family to go home to and share it with.

Well, one step at a time. First, become the most successful artist and then see if, once you know how it feels to be the artist of your dreams, you are really craving for having a family to go to share with. Perhaps you will be so busy selling your artwork and thinking what to do next with all the money, that the last thing in your head will be having to manage an average wife/mother life.

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Yeah, I second that


But hey, the dude probably met already "most" "true" lesbians in the planet, and must have some really good arguments to state they are psychopaths. (I must ask how many lesbians are in the world, and what exactly does it mean "true" in this sentence...)


Even a degree in psychiatry perhaps, like for using so freely this kind of terms

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As a bi girl i think lesbians are hot But you can't generalise anyone into catorgaries every person is different, white or black jew or athiest, gay or straight. Theres good and bad in everyone. NO MORE DISCRIMINATION! Gahhh why should people care about these things. Not like they can help it and if they could why should they. Shouldn'y we be proud of who we are?!

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U japanese, or are in Japan?
I`m Japanese but not brought up in Japan. That makes me genetically japanese, but culturally, probably about 40%.

IMO it´d be a huge mistake trying to neutralize or "get over" that empty moments by getting married and popping out babies to the world, and blame your biological clock on it. Cuz when you finally get your groove back, you will be seriously stuck for life with a family you created out of boredom and solitude. You´re gonna have a concrete focus for sure: to take care of the kids and make it work, but, do you really want to have that as the main attraction of your life?

Thank you- that`s what I needed to hear


Well, one step at a time. First, become the most successful artist and then see if, once you know how it feels to be the artist of your dreams, you are really craving for having a family to go to share with. Perhaps you will be so busy selling your artwork and thinking what to do next with all the money, that the last thing in your head will be having to manage an average wife/mother life.

Ahha, that too. I get way too ahead of myself...honestly if my body had to follow my mind...


But you can't generalise anyone into catorgaries every person is different, white or black jew or athiest, gay or straight. Theres good and bad in everyone. NO MORE DISCRIMINATION! Gahhh why should people care about these things. Not like they can help it and if they could why should they


Yeah, I know what you`re saying makes sense. And wish everyone thought and treated each other with equality, individuality and respect. The thing is that when you`re the one facing potential prejudice, it`s pretty scary. It`s just hard when you`re faced with having traditional ideals challenged. Plus you realise how important it is to be accepted, and when I first considered I might not be straight, one of the first things I worried about was who would judge me for that, based on past things they`ve said, jokes etc. And in reality, there are still many people can`t be totally accepting.


I think it`s the same core problem with conflicting schools of thought, religion, politics etc. Acceptance of each other is everything for people to allow themselves and others be themselves without worrying, conflicting, fear etc. But yeah, there are also lots of people who can accept others, like some people who come here, so I guess it ain`t all bad.

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What do I think about lesbians? I think I want to marry one. Why do I want to marry a lesbian?

1. I absolutely can not stand regular people and their regular ideas.

2. I am a sort-of homosexual male with no desire whatsoever with a marriage

relationship with another male. FYI, this also means I am not promiscuous, in fact am as celibate as a rock. Attractive, too.

3. I want to have a family. I do not want to live alone forever.

4. To me, the female mind represents the ultimate. when I think of "men" i think of donald rumsfeld and sadaam hussein, two killers made for each other.


Really, you've worn me out.


That is what I think of lesbians.

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What do I think about lesbians? I think I want to marry one. Why do I want to marry a lesbian?

1. I absolutely can not stand regular people and their regular ideas.

2. I am a sort-of homosexual male with no desire whatsoever with a marriage

relationship with another male. FYI, this also means I am not promiscuous, in fact am as celibate as a rock. Attractive, too.

3. I want to have a family. I do not want to live alone forever.

4. To me, the female mind represents the ultimate. when I think of "men" i think of donald rumsfeld and sadaam hussein, two killers made for each other.

Really, you've worn me out.


That is what I think of lesbians.

Number 4 just really speaks to me somehow.


You're in quite the conundrum then, aren't you. I can relate. Generally speaking, I like women a whole lot more than I like men, and though I've wished, hoped, prayed, and even tried to be a lesbian several times in the past, to no avail, unfortunately I'm still straight.

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