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PMS is making my life a living hell

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You can also start taking vitamin B-6. My dr told me to use it to help with mood swings.....I like it, it helps. 25-50 mg a day


Oh Wow, I didn't know that


I'm not on any pills and my time of the month is brutal.

It's hell...moody, emotional, pessimistic, hate everyone--just like shoebaby described.


thanks I'll try that

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I can definitely sympathize with you. But my situation is opposite of yours. When I was on the pill, I was so calm and level-headed during ALL times of the month. Now that I'm off the pill, I'm just the same as I was BEFORE I went on the pill-- moody, hyper-sensitive, overanalytical, angry, etc. during PMS. It sux.


I really don't have an answer for you, but I can definitely feel you on this one.

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