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HEY GUYS! I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this now that I'm not pregnant but I guess you can change the place if you can lol.


I'm finally on and I'm a mommy!


I am doing a lot better but I still can't be out of bed or off the couch for more than like 10 or 15 minutes without getting dizzy spells. I got home around 3 on Sunday and slept and slept and slept haha.


Ian is doing great! I've been pretty upset because I haven't been able to take care of him like I should but I still spend every possible minute I can feeding him, changing diapers, or just holding him. I hate the fact that I miss the first week of his life.


I can remember being in labor and being so happy but the last thing I remember was seeing his face and I can't remember much else until late last week. They still have no idea what was causing me to be so sick but they said as long as I continue to improve, things should be okay. It may take time but I will get better.


I'm sorry about taking so long to update after I got home. Tuesday I thought I had enough strength to get up by myself for a few minutes while Ian was in the shower. I sat in front of my desk for about 5 minutes and I started getting dizzy so I got up and went to take my laptop to my bed when my legs went out from under me and my computer smashed. Right now I'm at my sister's for a little bit with the baby so I figured while I have a few minutes before I start getting tired, I'd update you guys.


I really really really really really! want to thank everyone for all the prayers for me to get better and all the support you gave Ian over the last 2 weeks. I love you guys and you all are seriously like family to me.


I'll try to update when I'm near a computer but I don't know how long it will be until I can get a new one for myself.


Seriously, thank you to everyone!

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Dani, I'm so glad you're back. I was checking Ian's updates pretty religiously. I'm sorry you missed your first week with Ian, and that can't be brought back, but, you get your whole life to spend with him from here on in I really hope that they figure out what happened. Be sure to get lots of rest~

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