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Jealous of people with real problems

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Nothing bad had ever happpened to me. I had the perfect childhood, private education, parents still together, no one close to me has ever died or anything traumatic like that. I should be the happiest person in the world, but I'm not at all and I can't really understand why. To the outside world I appear relatively normal but I the thoughts and feelings I have inside are not. Sometimes I wish something bad would happen to me, just so that someone will give me a hug and a shoulder to cry on, and an excuse for the way I feel and the stupid things I do to myself. I know I'm being really selfish and just feeling sorry for myself and I hate myself for it. I just wondered if there was anyone else out there ina similar situation. Or maybe one of you could just tell me to snap out of it and make the most of my life, and all the opportunities I've been given. I've tried telling myself but I don't listen!

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Wow, what most of us would give to have your problem. It IS still a problem, so if you wanted one.....here it is right before you. ;-)


For what ever reason, we start out as babies looking for attention in any way we can get it. I remember my daughter in the terrible two's making sure to make eye contact with me, just before running to go do something she new I didn't want her to. Negative attention is just a reassuring for what ever reason.


I am dealing with a roommate that is trying to get attention by faking injuries, and even worse....causing them.


Be careful of what you wish for. If you need a hug.....get one! Something bad doesn't have to happen. Even that you are feeling this way demands a hug! ((((((( big Cyber hugs)))))))


Again, be careful what you wish for. ;-)


Just my opinion.



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