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My break-up story.. Am I wrong??

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well well where to start


first off u make it seem like she is holding a gun to your head saying "marry me! marry me !" if it's no...... it's no ! makes no sense having a marriage where she is heart and soul in love with you, and you are heart and soul in love with your money !


Everyone is different, and it just obvious you are not compatible for marriage from what you have written!


For even if you were going to marry her just for the sake of her feeling more secure......you already have the wrong attitude, you have already ended the marriage before it has begun, it's like you are expecting it to end, but marriage is suppose to be a lifetime commitment.........


I think she made the right decision for her.....and you need to find someone who doesnt believe in marriage..........oh yeh and someone making as much money as you


I go the nursing home often and I see how sad it is to see these old men all alone there, with no one who cares about them, and the government gets their money when they leave this world, as they had no children to give it to or a wife to leave it to.


I think marriage is more than a financial investment, it's about love.


So more power to you, make that money for the government.....well unless u have kids.....*sigh* another child out of wedlock !

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hm... on a totally different point of view... I have been reading The Dalai Lama's "The art of happiness." he has some really interesting viewpoints... one is that romantic love cannot be seen as something positive, because it is such a huge cause of suffering. let's face it - how many people are here because they are suffering over a failed romance, or are troubled by dating? I'd say maybe 90%. society builds it up like if we are not coupled off, there is something wrong with us. and if we don't have it, we feel terrible.


maybe if we were more realistic about what romantic relationships can and cannot provide us, maybe we would all be happier....?

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How about making marriage a 3 year contract with 1 year options.

After 3 years, both parties agree to renew, or decide to split with no nasty divorce?


What about any kids though? 50/50 custody? Might work if the parents live near each other. What about the house? Sell it and split the equity?




Sounds interest thing. How about having just 2 children? One take the elder, another take the younger. The most people who suggest to sell the house. However, depends on location. Some house devalue and hard to sell, while some house appreciated and easy to sell. Both of you to have a house reserve fund contribute by both party to buyout the other share of the house. One take the money, one take the house.


If the wife stop working to care for the children, make arrangement to compensate her for the job opportunity lost.

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I wish I'd had your strength and fortitude and foresight.

Would have saved me a lot of grief.


Take care man, sounds like you have a lot going for you and many women would want a long term relationship with you-marriage contract or no marriage contract!


I totally agree with you. I still smell a rat on her end. She's so willing to rush into marriage, I bet you that in 2-5 years she'd be nack with her kids' father, babbling about 'i always knew we were true love', and yelling 'hootchie bangbang!!' while destroying this poor man's life that he has worked so hard for.

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this was a sad post to read because it scares me that some men think about marriage as a financial thing. What happened to love and trust? Do you not love this woman? How much would that cost?

Doesnt leave a good taste in my mouth as far as men ......... sad.


sorry to hear that. But, perhaps if men were not in danger of having their lives ruined if their wives left them, maybe we'd be more willing to partner with someone.



In my case: I loved and trusted my wife. The reward: messing with her co workers, who them moved her out and got her a lawyer and got her a nice fat child support amount and a settlement. Even though infidelity was proved in court.


The fact is: if a woman decides she's done being married, she can still be set up for life. A man has a gun ot his head fomr the day he says I do. That's not fair, is it?

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