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I have made it to 11 weeks!!!

muffin cakes

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Only one more week to go before I am through my first trimester. I am feeling a little better that the baby is ok. Lately I have been wondering if I am carrying more then one baby. I am eating all the time and wanting to sleep alot. Thankful my morning sickness hasn't been as severe as with my son. I barf a couple times a week which isn't too bad.

I have a doctor's appointment next Friday. I am hoping to hear a heart beat.

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Congratulations! You're almost there!


I honestly thought that I was carrying more than one baby too...but this is my first pregnancy so I really had no basis for comparison. But nope, only one!


I ate so much towards the end of my first trimester and slept in between meals. I had a huge growth spurt around 13 or 14 weeks when I suddenly "popped out" so maybe that's what you're going through.


Anyways, good luck, keep us posted!!!

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Have any ever heard of the thread needle test? If it swings from side to side it is a boy. If it goes in a circle it is a girl. I just did it about three times I got a girl and boy all three times either it means twins or can't decide which sex I am having lol. I know this is only for fun. I guess I will find out in 7 weeks when I go for my ultrasound. I am starting to feel curious.



I think I will be really surprise still if it is more than one. i know I am probably being obsessive, Faternal twins do run in my family. One of my mother's counsins had twims. Both of my greatgrandmothers on my dad's side were mutiples. My dad's mother's mother was a triplet with a set of twins in the same family. (The triplets were faternal). My father's father's mother was a faternal twin. There are twins in Bf family. I'm not totally sure if my father's genes for twinning can be past to me or not.


Maybe I am just nuts!!! LOL

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Gender prediction charts are cool too, I did it and it was right with my kids and their expected sexes.


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Also you can try google for 'gender prediction chart' there are many of them online. I just did it, and it says 'its a girl'.. Guesss what? This baby really is a girl due in dec! =)

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The gender prediction chart didn't work for me!


I had never heard the heart rate test... one of my co-workers told me about it after I had an ultrasound. Apparently if the heart rate's over 140, it's a girl, below 140, it's a boy. Before the 20-week ultrasound, my son's heart rate was always in the 160s. My co-worker was absolutely convinced I was having a girl. The day I had the 20-week ultrasound, the heart rate was 138! I loved calling my co-worker after my appointment. I do love old wives' tales - they're obviously no indicator of gender, but they are seriously fun to check out.


Here's a whole huge list of them: link removed

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Hi Muffin! Congratulations! That is such awesome news!

I just wanted to comment on your thread needle test... That sounds like pendulum dowsing! Yeah... Your right, it's just for fun.. But i actually used to use charts and use dowsing for a lot of different things, its like astrology.


Except you use a crystal on the end of a chain or thread or whatever... it used to be alot of fun.


I wish you the best with your pregnancy and hope you get out of the morning sickness stage soon! I can sympathise, mine was killer..


goood luck

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