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what gives with this guy?


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Ok, so I met a guy last Saturday out at the bar, and before I leave he asks for my number. I hardly think about it until Wednesday when I get a voicemail from him saying he'll be out w/friends Thursday and Friday and wants me to come meet him for a drink either of those days if I'm available. So I'm thinking I'll be coy and say I'm busy tomorrow, but let's meet Friday. Well, when I call back he doesn't answer so I leave a voicemail saying just that, and now it's Friday and I still haven't gotten a return phone call.


What gives?! Is this guy "playing the game" with me?

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He's not yet interested in taking you out on a proper date. I wouldn't accept an invitation from someone I hardly know to "hang out" at a bar much less a last minute invitation. He's not playing a game - he is being direct about his level of interest which for now is to invite you to meet him at a bar so he doesn't have to put in the effort of planning a proper date where the two of you have time alone to talk.

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I'm just wondering. Are you expecting him to take you out on a date? Do you just want to date and not expand the relationship/friendship? If you just want to date then I guess you could keep doing what you're doing, but if you want to expand the relationship, why not just go with the flow and hang out with him again at the bar? Maybe he just feels more comfortable there and might get a chance to get to know you more that way. Then later he might take you out to dinner or you two might do something more and better...? Or maybe I just don't know what I'm saying, lol.

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You don't have a date with this guy so if your friends and you are ALREADY planning on going there then go and hang out as usual. In other words, don't go out of your way for him just yet.


He has your number and if he wants to date you he will set it up that way. For now it sounds like a very casual way to let you know he is interested and will be around. Stay on the same page as him and have fun

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I'm just wondering. Are you expecting him to take you out on a date? Do you just want to date and not expand the relationship/friendship? If you just want to date then I guess you could keep doing what you're doing, but if you want to expand the relationship, why not just go with the flow and hang out with him again at the bar? Maybe he just feels more comfortable there and might get a chance to get to know you more that way. Then later he might take you out to dinner or you two might do something more and better...? Or maybe I just don't know what I'm saying, lol.


For now, I'd like to get to know the guy and keep things casual. If it progresses into something more, great, if not, it's no big deal. But I don't want him to think he can just call whenever and I'll be available. That seems to be the kiss of the death. Also, if we hung out tonight and things went well, I'd expect for him to ask to take me out on a real date.

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Dont play any games, that will make the situation even more confusing. Be up front and honest. I would call, or text him again and ask him for a reply. Tell him if you dont get one then you assume the situation has change.


Why is it a bad thing to be 'available'? I have never acted as if I were too busy to meet someone and it's never had a negative affect for me.

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This guy is not so interested. Also I wouldn't be thrilled if someone asked me to come in a club with my firends and to meet him there because he's clubbing there. if a guy wants a proper date it should be a date. This way he's saying that he's not so much interested in dating. He keeps it casual and you can bet it will stay that way no matter happens.

Since he hasn't called i would ignore him completely if he calls ever again. Ain't worth of your time. It is rude not to answer a call in this situation.

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