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hey guys

well me and my gf have been going out for about 7and a half months and are getting really close and we are getting closer and closer to sex each time we hang out and such. so i think its time that i get a little educated on condoms. what are some of the better brands??and how should i bring one around?i mean if i put it in my pocket wouldnt htat be bad for the latex??and where can i get mornining after or spermicide pills?and how affective are htye??thanks in advance

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15...do you think thats too young??but imnot saying that were going to have sex right away either i think for a little far from that but just incase i want to know hwats going on


I think your not ready since you are all woried about everything. But you are resonsable by asking about it though.


Have them in your walet pocket what ever but dont keep them in there to long since they will get old and may rip.


When the time does come when yous have sex, take it slow, relax and just enjoy yourselfs.


And hey dont worry about what people say about the age thing because i really dont think it matters, its not like you dont care about the outcomes in this, you do.


Get her to go on the pill or something, so there will even be a less chance her falling pregent

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Hey kid, (I mean this in the most endearing way) as you grow to become a man you will discover that sex is not about the act, but it's about the deep emotional conection that lead up to the sex. When us older folks suggest to do it when you're ready we mean with a loving and caring partner that completely understands her's and your emotions.


Now for the emotions part of the topic. To become a great man and lover you must be at the top of your emotional intelligence game. This life skill is not learned by most people until their early to mid twenties. This is why so many relationships fail at such a young age. So the best advise this old fart can give you is to develop your emotonal intelligence before you do something you may not understand.


I know this may sound like here's an adult preaching, but there will come a day when you will fully understand what it takes to properly take on a relationship with an emotionally healthy woman, not a girl. thereforeeee do worry what the people with more wisdom and life experience say since they are looking out for your emotional and mental health.

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OK - we shouldn't be dissing this young man for his age, but congratulating him on his maturity for taking the time to find this stuff out. So often its left to the girls to find out....well done for asking before you do it!


Simple answer - it doesn't matter where you put the condom for storage. Where are you from? as that'll depend on where you can get access to the morning after pill.


Durex are my favourite brand.....and i would at your age use the ultra safe option.


Morning after pill is effective for 72 hours. The sooner she takes it (in the event of the condom splitin or something equally risky) the more effective it is, she can also have a emergency coil fitted which will be 99.6% effective up until day 5 after sex.


15 is young - but if you feel ready, both of you to take the next step - good luck, and enjoy.


Take everything on board mentioned about the connection and love side of sex...its not all in the act...but what it means.



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Stay away from Durex. Lifestyles are okay especially the ultra-thin, but if you are large they can be a little tight. If you are large, magnums are the way to go. If your girlfriend has a latex allergy, use natural-lamb as an alternative. If you use a condom with spermacide, make sure that the tip doesn't get popped when it is on, as this could send some of this burning, toxic solution right where you don't want it to go. Trust me, it'll put an end to the mood your in.

But most of all, make sure that you are both ready. Don't force her too much. Remember that no means no, no matter how heated things may get. If this is the first time for you both, you will never forget each other no matter what the future will hold. Have fun, it's life and it's great!

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thanks for the adivce guys but i heard that morning after pills can cause some side affects like messing up menstruation an stuff and of course imnot going to pressure her i ahve never asked her if she would have sex with meand so would taking the morning after pill right after sex be okay as well?what are some of the dangers in morning after pills?

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If you are going to have sex with a condom and there are no accidents, there is no reason to take the morning after pill. To be on the safe side, you should try to get her on the birth control pill since taking it on a regular consistent basis is much safer and effective than taking the morning after pill whenever there is a mishap. There are some side effects to taking the morning after pill, but personally, I was fine the one time I took it. It supposedly can mess up your menstrual cycle but mine was already thrown off because I started taking the pill at the same time.

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InaneCathode...I'm disappointed. Although I can't pass judgement, as I'm only 18 I don't have my impulse control developed yet.


Although I DID have the impulse control to edit this before I pressed "Post Quick Reply".


To Original Poster...well, 15 is a bit young, but as long as you are protected, you could do a lot worse in this world. I'm a major advocate of the birth control pill, which taken correctly is 98%+ effective. Of course, this depends on how reliable your girlfriend is...but then again, if she couldn't/wouldn't take the pill properly, she's not ready/mature enough to have sex anyway.

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iancathose wut do you mean imuplse controll??

and i didnt say i was going to have sex with her i just want to find out all this stuff so im not just completely left in the dark

and also about the condom thing...arnt you not supposed to put it in your pocket because it will gett too hot an destroy the latex?

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Hi Blink_guy,


I think it's very responsible of you to be asking about these things!




- Brand is a matter of personal preference really, once you start having sex try a few different kinds and see what works best for you guys.


- Note that learning to put them on takes time: maybe get a box of the very cheapest ones you can find and practice at home first? (preferably on yourself, but a banana sould work too The important thing to remember is to squeeze shut the tip of the condom when you are putting it on. The tip is where your semen will go when you cum, and squeezing it shut as you put it on ensures there is no air in there, so there is plenty of room for the sperm.


- it's ok to keep a condom in your pocket or wallet for a few hours, but I wouldn't carry it around in there for weeks as both friction and heat can damage them. If you haven't already, talk to your girlfriend about this: you could keep condoms at both your houses just in case. It's a good idea to communicate about these things (sex and contraception) anyway.


Morning after pill:

This is only meant as an emergency measure, to be used, for instance, if the condom rips (which is not a usual occurrence by the way!). Do not count on the morning after pill as a method of regular contraception, as it is basically a massive dose of hormones - not something your girlfriend would want to take too often, and it does make some women feel ill. It's expensive, too, and in some places not available to under-16s without parental consent.


If possible (depending on the laws and availability where you live), it might be a good idea for your girlfriend to start taking regular birth control pills. If taken correctly (at the same time every day) and used in combination with a condom, this is a pretty much failsafe method of contraception.


There's a lot of information out there, but an example of a good source of more detailed info is the website of the UK-based Family Planning Association: link removed


Never be afraid to ask anything, and take care!



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Riiiight, well if people would read the rest of the post i think it said something like "generally speaking" "25ish" "consequences" and "fully developed". I defy anyone to find a developmental psychologist who'll say that a 15 year old is mentally fully developed.

(anywho, thats beside the point of the post per what OP just posted)


Latex doesnt like heat, chemicals, and abrasion. If you keep those three things away from it they're less likely to break. Keep in mind latex is an organic substance so it does 'rot' just like anything else organic.

(plus make sure you and her aren't allergic to latex!)

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Since you're 15, consider going to a Planned Parenthood before you plan on having sex. Your girlfriend is likely to get free birth control and/or emergency contraception, depending on her age, income, the state you live in, etc. Plus, they'll give you tons of free condoms which can save you a bit of money.

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