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So sad - just ate where we were going to have our reception.

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I can understand this totally, im exactly the same,cant go anywhere we used to go together (not even tescos!)how ridiculous is that!

Im sure this is fairly normal though.especially for you today.

Your hopes and dreams have been taken from you and its going to take a lot of time for that pain to ease,

at least you have got past this obstacle though, and if you ever have to go back to this place you wont feel quite as emotional.

One step at a time ,one day at a time.

Listen to me harping on Now all i need to do is get myself to tescos,



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I just had to go to a luncheon for work (mandatory) and it was in the room where my ex and I were going to have our wedding reception. All I could think about was us there dancing and being in love. I want to cry. I miss him so much!


we're here for you. i know how it feels. i cannot even watch the tv shows we used to watch together. it hurts so much. is there something you can do to keep your mind occupied right now. keep posting your feelings, it will help.

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It just sucks so bad! I have the dress already and can see us there dancing together. How can I get that out of my head. I guess I should just put the new girls face on my mental image! I'm miserable!


you need to get angry. i think it's the next step to healing. remember what he did to you. know that this relationship will fail, and if/when he tries to come back to you, you will be with someone much better than him.

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I agree with this2willpa55. Anger is a pretty powerful motivator. He was not who you thought he was or hoped he could be. He proved that to you. He hurt you in one of the worst ways possible. You know that you could never do to him what he did to you. He doesn't deserve you and you know that you deserve nothing but the best. Remember that when you miss him and it will help a little. It has really helped me.


You had a rough day today but you have almost made it through the day. I can imagine how hard that must have been for you being there. Just the fact that you went to that meeting instead of calling in sick shows that you are a very strong person. Most people would have bailed. Hang in there, one day you will have your wedding with someone who truly loves and appreciates you.

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