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Do you guys think it will happen in real life like the movie "Notting Hill"? If two persons are truly love each together, but for some reasons they separated. Some time later, might be several months or years, they still miss each other. Suddenly one of them decided to give it a chance again and they fall in love again or forever?

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Yes... And I will be winning the lottery tonight also...


Sorry, just my cynical side rearing it's ugly head...lol


Movies and real life are two different things, unfortunately...


If it did happen consider yourself very, very fortunate...


Oh, and do try everything in your powers to make it happen just don't force it...

If it is meant to be it will happen in time and most likely slowly and when you least expect it...

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You know, if you broke up, you broke up for a reason. It might be different interests, you may grow apart, you may find that person annoying. time is a good healer and you forget the bad bits or they are at least dimmed.


When and if you get back together, you probably find those same things you broke up over are still there!


People do learn by past mistakes, but often they repeat them too.

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yes it can happen... even people who divorce can re-marry later, but it is NOT the norm, it is the rare exception.... so if you are putting your life on hold while waiting for the *small* possibility an ex- will take you back, i wouldn't advice it...


it is like betting all your money on the lottery and hoping you will beat the 16 milliion to one odds... it does happen, but best to move on with your life and if the other person really does decide they made a mistake breaking up with you, they have your number... don't pine and wait though, and don't take anything else less than a real re-commitment from the former partner. it is hard to separate, and you coudl get hooked back in, only to be dumped a second time and doubly heart broken, or misinterpret nothing but a friendly overture as meaning they want to come back, and you have to experience all the separation anxiety all over again.

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