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Write a letter to your ex!

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I wanted to vent my feelings without sending a letter to her and thought you might want to do the same.




I miss you so much. I miss watching you study, and cuddling with you at night. Whenyou told me you just like me as a friend it crushed me. When you said that you just didn't want to be in a relationship and then started dating someone else, I couldn't but feel pain. I hate the fact that I still want to be with you and that I miss you in my life. I feel so emply and alone and I want you to come back but know you have moved on. Don't hate me for the way I acted when we ended. It wasn't me it was my emotions. I just didn't want the relationship to end and this has been one of the hardest things I have ever had to face.


Your EX

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it's good to write those letters, and always good NOT to send them. here's mine:


Dear B____ ,


You snore louder than a derailing freight train. I lierally saw stars under my eyelids. For Pete's sake, get some Snorp or Breathe-Rite strips before you sleep with somebody else!


And I know you wiped yourself on my towel after you peed when we were out of toilet paper. It didn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure that one out.


So long and good luck,




P.S. Your goldfish are in the freezer.

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Dear Stinky,


I'm still angry at you a bit, but I'll get over it. I am getting over it. You know the routine and you know that I've loved you.

Yeah, sometimes you were right. Sometimes you were childish and a scaredy-cat! Ha. You can go right ahead and believe what you like. I know that not all of our difficulties were bc of my issues. Stubborn goat. You are as stubborn as me yet even more stubborn because you can't even admit you are stubborn!


By the way, I always did know I have a great body. Just because I didn't 'show it off' in all the ways that were exactly as you liked, doesn't mean I didn't know it. Get it through you head once and for all! Give it up. I hated how there were moments I actually thought you wanted me to be a * * * *, more that you would actually correlate sluttiness to confidence?! That is just stupid. And even stupider to think that complimenting me would get me todo what you like!

Sometimes your persistence pissed me off and I think your jokes stopped being funny at a certain point. I'm strong, but I'm not a superhuman of tolerance. Sometimes I think you expected too much from me.


Oh, and a shower does more than get you clean and get the stink off. It also gets rid of old skin cells, it's called exfoliating, and it is why your skin keeps getting itchy.


kiss my grits,


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I Can't stop thinking about what yu said to me...I can't stop thinking about why it changed...I want you back and i miss you so badly, this is hurting me so much right now...

I Just want you back and tell me you do love me you just needed time...



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Although everything between us has already been said and done, I still can't let go. Knowing that I had countless chances and that I messed up every single one of them...Knowing that even after the breakup you still cared for me but I pushed you away by dwelling on things...Knowing that I took you for granted...It all hurts so much. And I know it's utterly useless to beg for another chance and swear that I'll change my ways...I can't believe that after two years, you don't have enough love left in your heart to give things one last try. But I have to accept it as the truth. After all, that's what you told me.


I can't believe how different things are now. I remember how warm and caring you were, how the most important thing in your life was your family...and me. And now you're so cold and detached...probably couldn't care less if I lived or died. Why is work so important to you now? Did you learn that from me? That place is toxic, you know it is, and the people are poison...It's nothing like it was before...I used to think that I'd always remember it fondly because that's where our romance began, but I hate it now. Maybe I hate it because you love it...


Every day I find myself thinking about what you're doing. If you're having trouble sleeping, if you're frustrated with your homework, if you have a new favorite song...And I wish that I could be there to give you a hug and let you sleep on my lap when you're fed up with everything...I wish we could share little moments together like we used to when just being there together was enough to make everything special...


I hope you know how lucky I was to have you in my life...and how incredibly hard it's going to be to find somebody who can meet the standards that you set...The next girl you open your heart to will be truly blessed.


Still yours,


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Dear X,


This letter is me---speaking to you directly from my heart and soul. I truly miss hearing from my dear friend. I am sorry if at anytime during my visit with you, I made you feel uncomfortable or made you doubt in anyway how I feel about you.


Over the past couple of years, I have come to know you, as a unique, intelligent, strong, thoughtful, sensitive, lovable and gentle soul. You are a person whom I deeply care about and consider to be very special---more importantly, someone who I want in my life. I have enjoyed our many conversations and sharing of thoughts/ideas about life, people, science, exercise, current events….and I would love for our friendship to continue.


You were there for me at an extremely sad and pivotal point in my life when my Dad died. That is something I won't ever forget. At a time when many of my friends were not emotionally available or did not know what to say, you comforted me in many ways—by just being you. Your kind words, warm thoughts, and phone calls provided me with support to make it through an extraordinarily emotional and difficult time in my life. You were a ray of light for me, in my time of darkness.


My hope is that we will continue our friendship. Take as much time as you'd like to think about this.





It's about 2.5 months since I heard from him. It hurts. Each day I feel stronger. Thank you God.

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Dear C.


Today is a hard day- I miss you!


You cheated and you lied. You destroyed me my dear husband.

I don't ever want to see you again...but it hurts....


It's been 4 months since I saw your face or heard your voice.

I wish I could just stop loving you. I wish I can keep the memories and all the good moments. But I can't. I have to try to erase the last 4 years.


You took away my future and my past. You took away the only thing that ever mattered to me - YOU!


I hope you miss me. I hope it hurts you.

Maybe one day I would be able to thank you for all the things you did to drive me away from you. Maybe one day when I am married I will be able to look back at this break up and Thank God. One day....

Today I forgive you and I let you go forever.


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Dear C

It's been 3 months since we were together.... I've gone to bed and woke up with you every single day. You have treated me badly all i wanted to say is i love you. You didn't want to know. Now i'm moving on now and you ring me and asks me out... Why? You said " i can never give you what you want" well i think i don't want it now. I will always have a place in my heart for you. If we are ment to be love will find away. Until then i need to find my own path so i can be happy with me.


Stay safe



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Dear toto


You forced me to make a decision and i did. You forgot me months ago but had no balls to follow it up with. You let your family take charge once again and didnt fight for me. I feel like you lied to me at all instances never knowing what you wanted and when you wanted it yet you told me that was what was wrong with me.


Why you made a life dream with us both in it and puctured that area of my feelings i will never understand. One should never say what one does not mean.


You helped me be more confident and secure and your words were kind but to leave me in your mind months ago and not say a word and lie to say we would still be togheter when i know it was not true is what has hurt me the most.


I find it hard to be your friend and companion as friends shouldnt do this - i wish you would stop contacting me so i can forget you and move on. To say we may get together again in the future is again a lie - i would never go back to a liar and someone with no balls -


One day we could be friends but not for a long time - i am lucky that someone out there is protecting me and making me feel better then i could right now.


One day you may understand what lies and confusion can do to another person and i am sure that your mesages of apology for hurting me and thinking i hate you are that you know you did wrong. I dont feel apologetic to you just upset at giving you my heart and understanding when i should have listened to my head.


Your family will always hold posioness words about me - there was never a real reason for this but they were scared of losing you - i know you will regret not having me in your life as you are already questioning why we broke up. However the difference is i know why? You dont!



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