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My first relationship never went well, we broke up on bad terms. I tried to do friends but it kept falling apart because she just couldn't put her feelings down that she had for me. There was no way I would ever get back together with her. She was diagnosed with mental problems and had to be put on medications to control her mood because it was always rapid changes.


She continuously harassed me for over a year before she finally let it go and hasn't attempted to message or call me when she went out and got drunk. At one stage she dated my best mate to try and get back at me, that failed because he used her for sex.


I just saw on her profile she has written this:


"Something bout those little pills/Unreal the thrills they yield/Until they kill a million brain cells. I love seeing the type of guy who criticised you, treated you like * * * *, the one who hate most of all... get hurt and treated like a piece of * * * *. Ahhh the glory days of knowing that he was, and never will be worth it. Why? Because he was 'that guy'."



Why do you think she would have something like this now on her blog? Is she still angry... I am sure she would have to be over now so why wouldn't she write more useful things in her online profile?

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I think she wrote that in her blog because she's angry. She's angry at herself! She is probably slowly realizing that you meant a lot to her. Sometimes, people tend to realize how much they love someone when they are gone, right? She is trying to get the guilt trip also... Basically saying that the person who treated her like sh*t, makes her take those little pills that kill off her brain cells. She's trying to put the blame on that person [maybe you, maybe not]. She wants sympathy, and maybe even pity. I'd say don't worry about it...Obviously the pills aren't working if she's still in her moody ways.

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These are lyrics; Something bout those little pills/Unreal the thrills they yield/Until they kill a million brain cells.


Green Velvet is techno and the song is called La La Land.


ah! good to know. thanks!


now stop reading her blog and assuming it's all about you.

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Yeah, I read what you put on your thread. It didn`t make sense at first, but as you read it. It does sound poetic. It wasnt until gnaba wrote further down that these were lyrics to a song, before it hit me.


Don`t read into everything she puts on her blog.

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