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Hi everyone.


I'm just about 17 years old (two months from today) and I have never had a job before. I really want to make some money, but you see the thing is I am really really shy. I don't really want to have to deal with people at all. I'm so shy I hardly even like to be the customer at a store and deal with that one person. Let alone being the person who has to deal with all the people.


I already applied to one job at a grocery store. But I never did get a call back about it. No surprise. It's probably because I don't have any experience. I was thinking about applying for a job at Tim Horton's or Wal-mart or somewhere like that. But it's all still dealing with people, which I'm not sure I can do.


And I'm really nervous about attending any interviews. I'm pretty sure I'll screw it up, and I won't know what to say. If they ask me why I think I'm qualified for the job I won't have an answer because I do not have any experience that qualifies me.


The only thing I guess could be considered experience is volunteer work I did at a hospital for two months. I would go there and help out the elderly or replenish magazines to waiting rooms.. about twice a week for those two months. And I also kind of volunteered at the Humane Society, but it was only once in a while probably 3 or 4 times a month. I would go down there with my mother and help clean out animals cages or whatever. It was since I was about 2 or 3 years old but of course I couldn't do any work til I got older.


I would just like your tips or advice on maybe some other type of job, other than dealing with people, for a 16 year old who has no experience... or advice on how to prepare for an interview or how to deal with the people if I ever get a job in that field. Thanks in advance, I'd appreciate any kind of help whatsoever

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do you have a business or info processing class at your school. i found that class very helpful in making a resume or going to an interview and stuff like that. or you can talk to a teacher bout it they are very good with helping with this stuff. if you don't have anyone to go to to give you more explicit info then i prolly could online, but im sure if you don't find what you need, a lot of people on this site can help you.

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The interviewer will expect you to be nervous, so don't think that puts you at any sort of disadvantage. It's entirely possible your interviewer will be nervous too.


Try to see it as a conversation rather than them grilling you with questions. Think of some questions you could ask them relative to the job. That will give you a feeling of having a little control more control of things.


definitely highlight any volunteer service experience you have. That will help. Doesn't matter how little, the fact that you did something, had the motivation to get involved is a huge asset.


Didn't you say in a previous topic that you were fairly smart? That's a great qualification for any job. Don't be afriad to talk about you better than average grades. You could work the fact that you're stable and reliable and keep things on an even keel.


You're unlikely to get most of the jobs you apply for, statistics and anybody you talk to will bear that out. So don't see not getting a job as a rejection, just see it as the interviewer wasn't willing to take the time to get to know you, so it's their loss.


Good luck.

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About the shyness, this might sound odd and not make sense, but get a job in retail. I used to be super shy and wouldn't talk to anyone, then I applied to a retail job, got hired (and obviously you have to deal with tons of customers a day) and began the slow process of becoming less and less shy. I realized in order to keep my job I had to start communicating with my customers. After a while, the whole shy bit was completely gone. When you are put in an environment where you are forced to be open and outgoing, it changes you, trust me.

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I was exactley the same as you,


I am dead shy still, but I have a job in a small computer firm, at the moment, I don't have any contact with costomers, I work alone no one too talk too, It may sound a good job not too be in contact with anyone but it's not it drove me off the rails last year, It damages confidence ands very dipressing, so after alot of counciling I've been applying for new jobs, (bricking it and all that,) but have you ever thought of a job in a factory, sure you'll have too meet people at first but I guess once you're past all that, it'll be okay I've got an interview at Muller, yogurt plant soon, Ive changed my line of thinking, I stopped all the negatives and replaced with positives so if I don't get the job, F**it as my councilar would say, after repeating this endlessly it eventually sticks in you're head, When going for an interveiw remember too relax, Oh and people who are shy, somtimes come accross too people as intelligent people so don't worry about that too much, shyness is a safety thing!

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  • 2 weeks later...

From your post you sound like a really nice and inteligent guy. I understand the shyness thing. I am the same way, but I try to overcome it. I think working in retail will be good for you. It will help you get used to talking to people. Just remember that you're would be valuable to them and if they don't hire you its their loss.


Also, definitely mention those volunteer work. Its a really a big plus. You don't have to mention how often you went, but do tell them how long you did it if they asked.

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