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This is probably the dumbest thing I've ever posted but hey, I'm curious. So I really liked this guy, we live pretty far apart but hopefully we'll be able to go out in the future, if I am that lucky. I've become more interested in Astrology the last couple years seeing as, my violin teacher had studied it and use to amaze me at how accurate it seemed to be. So for fun I typed up our signs and compatibility. It says we're the worse match possible, it went on and on and was so negative. Now I know that relationships take work and I shouldn't take this whole sign thing so seriously. So can I ask, is there any Geminis and Scorpios out there dating with success?


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Thanks, guys,hehe I just needed to hear it. You know, I like this guy so much that I don't want something to mess it up. My violin teacher use to tell me things about myself according to the zodiac which was freakishly true. Before that I couldn't have cared less about astrology and thought it was fluff. But you're right. I won't let it dissuade me.

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well.... from a totally different perspective.... did you both have your *entire* charts made? because the signs alone won't tell you too much. having your entire chart made may be more of a way to go (if you're going to start making relationship choices based on astrology )

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First of all, violin teachers are the biggest roots of evil, next to chicken pluckers of course.


I believe in astrology, but not astrological restrictions. In fact, I have a high probability rate of guessing your sign just by looking into your eyes and asking you your biggest weakness. It's a trick that amazes even me.


I, the Pisces male, am most compatible with Scorpios, Cancers & Capricorns. So if I fall for a Sag, should I approach with caution? But in my chart, my rising is Aries and my moon is Capricorn, and I have 5 planets in Gemini, so should I shun that seductive scorpio female?


I say, use astrology for fun and games and typical stereotypes for laughs, and even comparisons in bed if you can. I wouldn't give it a second thought otherwise.

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First of all, violin teachers are the biggest roots of evil, next to chicken pluckers of course.


haha, that's SO true. And you know, I can laugh over this. My teacher was a taurus and he said that we were suppose to be compatible and we very clearly were not. So I guess that's a sign right there.

That makes me feel much better,


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