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hi all i'm new here and i found your site so informative, i just had to ask a question. My ex and i just broke about 3 weeks ago on her terms. She said she still wanted to be friends with me, keep in touch,ad that we need a break, etc. I didnt really buy it so i kind of played it off. I put into place a NC for about a week but she kept talking to me on AIM as if nothing had happened, she would also tell me how she has a crush on other guy. I said little to her and mostly she was the one doing the talking.Its been about a week since she has tried to make contact with me. can anyone make anything of this? is she done with me? thanks.

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Do you need a brick over the head? She broke up with you ie. she risks losing you because YOU BOTH need a break. Interesting. I would not talk to her anymore because you will only get strung along my friend. She wants to keep you as a friend and someone to talk to for two reasons:


1) As a fall back guy. Someone who admires her so when she is single she can feel good about herself, feel that she is worthy.


2) So she doesnt have to hurt your feelings by telling you she is not into you ie she is not attracted to you.


That is the cold hard reality. Dont be her sucker. IN fact next time you talk to her tell her you met a REALLY REALLY great girl the other day and that you cant talk to her because you are talking to the other girl. Touche.

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Block her IMs, talking to her will just torture you. You need and deserve a break from her! Sounds like she wants to be friends, but do you really need friends that make you feel crappy?


Hide everything that reminds you of her, and avoid communication with her at all costs till it stops hurting you to do so. Good luck...

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Yeah its tough tdontnyc but yeah she is using you as a comfort person. You are still there for her, so thereforeeee she can get that comfort and still do whatever she wants at the same time. You dont need to hear about a new guy, thats a killer. How disrespectful of you is she? She knows you still like her alot and she is twisting the knife in you in a way but talking about a new guy. Its best to go NC and let her wonder what your up to. If she tries to talk to you on AIM just ignore it. She may flip her lid but its only because she is upset shes not getting what she wants.

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well, today after a week and a half without contact, my ex instant messages me saying whats up, i hope you're good... i'll talk to you later. I didn't respond because I am somewhat confused why she decided to speak with me again. does anyone know what i should do? Should i talk to her or continue NC?

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