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This question is directed toward the guys on the forum..I, like most girls im sure, tend to think about my ex boyfriends and ex lovers. If i pass them in a hallway, street, etc. my mind fills with memories of being with the person. I'm in a serious relationship right now, so its not that i wish i was back with the men in my past, theres just certain things i miss and certain things that trigger memories. Lately i have been thinking about my ex because i am seeing him more often at college in my classes. I just sometimes wonder if hes ever thinking of me. He has moved on also..i just cant help but wonder. I sometimes feel a relationship was more important to the woman than the man. What i am wondering is, do guys do this too? If you see an ex gf or lover, do you think of a time you spent together. And girls, do you think of your ex's or are constantly reminded of them when you hear a song, or by a certain scent?

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i also feel the same as snow patrol, i think i miss my ex more then she misses me, i think about her all day even when im at work n the past couple nights ive bin having dreams about us, but there not things from the past, its like its the future or maybe its just sumtin i wish we did together..... hard to say, i cant even watch tv shows that we use to watch together cause it reminds me of her.... how pathetic on my part lol

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I definitely almost always remember what "our" song was. Heck, I remember some of "our" songs to ex gf's from years ago. It is something we shared.


So if I hear a certain song, yes I'll think back. Not so much missing that person, but missing that bond that we shared. But ex's that are far gone, that I haven't spoken to in years, if I were to run into them again, they'd feel like a stranger.


If you're in a new relationship, and you're thinking about your ex like that ie "wondering if he's thinking about you", maybe you need to re-evaluate your current relationship?

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