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Is this wrong ?


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Alright, this is kind of a weird and long story so let me make it as short as possible.


is it wrong to sleep with your cousins g/f( soon to be ex g/f) ?


my cousin and I initionaly had a deal where we would swap g/f for a night but well my g/f an I broke up before this could happen.


Anyway, ive made out with my cousins g/f before, felt her up, went skinny dipping with her, i even slept with her (just like cuddled).


Ive always been open with her and she knows how much i want her... shes been talking to me about wanting to be single again and coming down to see me an visit after shes single (because she wants to sleep with me)


I always had an urge to have sex with her but something is telling me that i should be carefull. My cousin an I get along greatly togerther and well hes family. How low is it to sleep with your cousins g/f behind his back ? And if i did.. i would keep it a secret and he would probably never find out.


Should or shouldnt i do this ?

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swap a girlfriend?!?!


Were these women aware that they were going to be "swapped?"


Sounds like they don't have much of a relationship anyway if you have already done all of that other stuff with her.


And it sounds like you don't have much respect for this girl at all, I don't know if it's just her or if its all women.


My advice would be to leave her alone, cause it sounds like you only want sex anyway.

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