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Hey guys I feel like such a downer or a loser. I really do. I thought I was getting better but it just wont go away, this pain this misery wont leave me alone.


My ex I dont even know, I have heard she is very depressed, gets extremley drunk and high, i dont even know what else. She said she is glad she is with her new friends because they are miserable just like she is. She says she wants someone to love, she thinks that I constantly lie and I dont. We talked last night and I told her that I promised her I wouldnt like about anything, that the times I did i admit and they were wrong but its not who I am. She didnt say much. She dropped me from her myspace and facebook after a long while. I fear for her safety this new crowd isnt good for her, shes a sweet and loving girl and I fear shes gonna get hurt.


The girl I had been seeing this summer I work with. Last night she calls me, like she does everyday, I was alreayd having a bad night cause of the ex, then she gets into how shes sorta likes this guy after she told me nothing would ever happen. She asks me whats wrong and I tell her that I dont like hearing about other guys, that im having a bad night, that I care about her and hearing that upsets me. She said shes frustrated and hangs the phone up on me.


Today I see her at work and she ignores me, goes around suppsosedly and tells everyone what went on. Later we talk and she talks loud so everyone can hear it about how frustrated she is that I still care for her when nothing can happen between us because of the age difference. I told her that I cant help what I feel, shes the one who calls and says I love you to me. Now she wont call me at all and is ignoring me and having a grand time making me out to be an * * * * * * * to everyone.


WHY CANT IT STOP! I just have had it, Ive been in hell since May and it wont end. Everyone else around me is happy, they have boyfriend/girlfriends, they got back together with their bf/gf. Everything is going fine for everyone around me, yet here I am still with problems, and nobody wants to hear about it. Its like nobody wants to help me. I dont know what to do. I feel so alone.

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Everyone else around me is happy, they have boyfriend/girlfriends, they got back together with their bf/gf. Everything is going fine for everyone around me, yet here I am still with problems, and nobody wants to hear about it. Its like nobody wants to help me. I dont know what to do. I feel so alone.


We're here for you, Iceman.


Pm if you like.

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There is a wise saying, "When you are going to hell, keep on going."


Don't despair, tomorrow is a better day.


There is always Enotaloner here for you.


It is very immature of her to said loudly for everyone to hear it. Don't bother what other people thinks, the most important things is what do you think about yourself.

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I find it better to surround myself with friends that provide a positive and supportive atmosphere. Find people that you admire and bring out your best qualities. Sometimes you need to make radical changes. If you surround yourself with people who are constantly unhappy and reaching out... then that is what you have to look forward to.

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I dont, it seems everyone around me IS happy, and i'm the one who always is bringing everyone down. Im usually the cheerful person who helps everyone else get out of thier problems. Not anymore though.


This days gonna be tough the girl I was seeing after my ex has now told me to never talk to her again because she went back to one of her other exes who she claimed she would never go back to because all he wanted is sex. Shes so desperate and probably going to get hurt because the kids a player.


I'm just hoping that I've hit bottom and something will turn around, with school on top of all this crap its really difficult. I really want to know how to be right again.

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Just try and distance yourself. If you are around supportive people, and you have typically been there to support them, let them support you. Friendship is a two-way street and sometimes it's necessary to reach out for some help. Take advantage of it.


Don't take on any of the responsibility of this latest girl. She will do what she wants to do and there is no reason to feel bad for her... she will have to live with the consquences of her actions.


You, will have to live with the consequences of *your* actions. So do things that start you on the path of getting in a better emotional space. Start off small and work from there. You are in a rut and, sometimes it takes a bit of time to work out of it, but I'm confident that, with a little will-power here, you will be back on track.


Hang in there.

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I have to see her on Saturday, we are going to a show at my school. I feel like this is the time that I have to lay everything out. I want this to be the time where she picks us or nothing.


My question for all of you today is that it seems like she is very testy when I talk to her, how do I get around that. She wants me to talk to her more she said, i've been trying to but its never easy, she just says simple one word answers to most things, but then gets mad if i end the conversation before she does. I dont want to ask her endless questions because she'll get upset. I just dont know how to get around her testiness.


I also dont know how to act and what to say when I see her Saturday. I know to just have a fun time at the show, but I need to have that talk with her and I want to come off as strong, sure and serious.

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