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hey everyone,


so here are the facts:


-i'm a 23 y.o female

-i've been with my bf for 2 years now, and everything is great. i love him, he loves me, and i still get excited to see him, even though we see each other about twice a week

- i started grad school about a month ago


here's the situation:


yesterday i met a classmate i hadn't been introduced to yet. we spoke during class breaks and lunch. i really enjoyed talking with her because she asked me a lot of questions about myself and vice versa (i usually just chit chat with other girls). she's had 2 bf's but is single now and is on good terms with her ex. i think the 4th question she asked me was if i had a bf, which is something people hardly ask me.


the thing is, even though we just met yesterday, i was kind of bummed i didnt get to sit next to her today and was kind of jealous when i saw her talking with another girl sitting next to her and other people. i also feel excited and nervous when she's nearby...i don't know why! i really really really want to talk to her again, but i feel it would be too silly to seek her out for no reason, especially when it's too difficult to after class. it's weird; i really want to hang out with her outside off campus, but i have no idea how that'll happen. anyway, i guess the main question here is do i like her more than a friend? or am i going to feel really silly after i post this? btw, i have lots of girl friends, but am totally positive i've never had any feelings like this about them or any other girl i've met.



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It seems like you are confussed about your sexutiy, i will tell you this there are alot of girls that think they have crushes for there friends and all. But if you want to find out if you bi or gay break up with your bf and hook up with a chick, but if you know that you would never love a chick dont hook up with one and stay with yor bf

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Whether or not you have feelings for this girl- you have a boyfriend that you love and who presumably loves you back, so try to focus on that.


I don't see anything that jumps out to me as being romantic feelings for the girl, so I don't think that's anything to worry about.


Understand that it's normal to be attracted to other people while in a relationship, but that if the relationship is going well it's a bad idea to pursue those feelings. That doesn't mean that you can't be friends with someone you find attractive, but merely to be cautious. It's something I struggle with myself.

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It's all very good advice, but I guess I want to put in my two cents worth. You say you love your boyfriend. That's really great, and I'm happy for you. But then comes this girl?

Indeed you should try to focus on your relationship now, especially if it is going well. You wouldn't want to mess that up because of curiosity. Many people have somewhat crushes on other people of the same sex, this is especially common for girls. But if you feel some kind of romantic connection, maybe your heart is trying to tell you something. It really is your choice, and based upon the situation I think you should stay with your boyfriend until something seriously happens.

The girl may be straight, so you wouldn't want to mess up that friendship AND your current relationship at the same time.

Give it time. Good luck!

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Why don't you talk with your bf about it? Just say, Hey, isn't it weird that I want to talk to her all the time? What's up with that? See what he says. Or maybe this is absolutely a bad idea but if you have a strong relationship, you'll be able to work through this as well. Why keep secrets right?

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