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Everything posted by pl1589

  1. hey everyone, so here are the facts: -i'm a 23 y.o female -i've been with my bf for 2 years now, and everything is great. i love him, he loves me, and i still get excited to see him, even though we see each other about twice a week - i started grad school about a month ago here's the situation: yesterday i met a classmate i hadn't been introduced to yet. we spoke during class breaks and lunch. i really enjoyed talking with her because she asked me a lot of questions about myself and vice versa (i usually just chit chat with other girls). she's had 2 bf's but is single now and is on good terms with her ex. i think the 4th question she asked me was if i had a bf, which is something people hardly ask me. the thing is, even though we just met yesterday, i was kind of bummed i didnt get to sit next to her today and was kind of jealous when i saw her talking with another girl sitting next to her and other people. i also feel excited and nervous when she's nearby...i don't know why! i really really really want to talk to her again, but i feel it would be too silly to seek her out for no reason, especially when it's too difficult to after class. it's weird; i really want to hang out with her outside off campus, but i have no idea how that'll happen. anyway, i guess the main question here is do i like her more than a friend? or am i going to feel really silly after i post this? btw, i have lots of girl friends, but am totally positive i've never had any feelings like this about them or any other girl i've met. thanks.
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