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being told your hot vs. being told your pretty

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No usually they dont commit to girls they think are hot.I spose if a guy is horny he'll say anything to get sex.I believe when a guy tells you ur hot hes lookin at ur body and when he tells you your pretty hes lookin at you like a human being and not a piece of meat,lol.Thats my 10 cents.

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Oh.. from my ex's new gf people say she's hot.. already guess whole the time that he likes her body.. they were together before they really met except from the internet. They've been kissing at the first meeting,.. ugh I just want love because I love that person om who he is, not the outside or the fake. And you can't know that over such a short time. How awful.. She looks so mean to me and manipulating . To me he said I'm beautiful

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my boyfriend tells me i'm "so hot" and he's commited to me...so yes! But he also calls me beautiful and pretty and cute and stuff...I do't think it HAS to mean he's using you. If you're doubting his love for you then something is probably wrong, you should always be able to tell if a guy really loves you or is using you.

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Belgian Girl your ex just wants her for sex.

He got what he deserves.

Don't worry about him, call him, or have contact.

Move on and be happy.


How do you mean he got what he deserves? Because I didn't 'gave' him seks(altough it was one of my biggest wishes to have that with him)? What I know is that he really want that, beaause I know how much he wanted it with me. But I want to be sure that he wants it because me as a person and I want him to stay.. Feel quite frustrated about the situation love that boy with whole my heart.

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ok....it's a word, just like pretty is a word.

Personally, I think the word hot is more commonly used now days, because it doesnt send out too many signals.

When a guy says a woman is pretty or beautiful, it's usually a forced compliment, the words are longer thats why


I think we forget some other words here aswell such as:






Things like that.


It all depends on the situation they are said in, I told a friend of mine that she is hot, she's 29 yrs old, friends with the woman I like right now who is 27 with a daughter, and I'm 18 years old...so what If I call her hot or pretty, or beautiful, it's a compliment...it doesnt mean that I want to have sex with her.


Of course, if I said that to the 27 yr old I like and we were having a nice conversation on a date and I said she looked really hot, it'd probably come accross as sleezy, I'd probably just say that she looks nice, or "someones dressed to impress" or something like that.

Although...I actually have to get to the dating stage yet, lol.


So yeah, these are words, it all depends on the situation they are used in, it's also not just guys complimenting women either, women often call guys on their looks.


I've been called hot on many occasions (as much as I deny that being true, lol) I've been called cute many times aswell (which is embarrassing, but flattering), I've been called pretty, aswell, and that really made my day, it made me feel so happy


(if you take that last one seriously, you need to look up the word sarcasm


so it works both ways, but it's taken in different ways.


Time for me to go to another post now

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