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haven't heard from her.... are we broke up then?

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hi people. i met a girl about a month or so ago. she use to stop by at my place almost everyday and we hung out together alot. the last time i saw her was about a week ago. i tried phoning her and texting her and i don't get any responses. i heard that she lost her job about 3 weks ago and doesn't have any money. i stopped by at her place and her roommate told me i just missed her by about a half an hour. her roommate said she moved out because she couldn't afford to stay. she only moved about 20 min. from where i leave. she never told me goodbye or anything. i don't know wheather to consider us broke up or not. should i wait for her, move on or what?

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Spooky. Someone else had almost an identical situation happen to them... except she was speaking about a guy. Anyway, I think the consensus is you already texted and phoned her. Beyond that, move on. She might be busy looking for a new job or something, or she could be feeling depressed and doesn't feel like seeing you right now. But it doesn't really excuse the lack of response.

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