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I was *this close* to asking a girl out today

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When she walked into the room, I was entranced. I have to say, she is probably the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on. And she was wearing my favorite color, blue. She was some sort of Heavenly hybrid of all the girls I ever had crushes on, molded into one Supreme Infactuation. She had the cutest pixie style haircut. A soft angelic voice. She made me feel so relaxed. We rambled off topic and switched subjects at our whims.


She held my hand gently.


I made her laughed constantly.


She must've held my hand at least 4 times today. I could not stop looking into her eyes. I wish I could draw her face. Those eyes. Those lips. That smile. I wish I could record that voice and use during my down times, to be the balm I so desperately need. There was only one problem.


She was my nurse. I was in the emergency room. ](*,)


Of all the places to finally have confidence. Ah well, at least she saw me 90% nude. As soon as they gave me the clearance to go home, I walked outside and was shy again. I couldn't look another lady in the eye, but it did not matter. I have met perfection, and her name is Michelle. Michelle, something.


Thank you for being who you are, Michelle. Thank you for the advice on aspirin. Thank you for giving me hope that yes, there are women out there who are not afraid of me. You have seen me at my most vulnerable. You have seen my nipples, yet you stayed for the ride. You stayed to hold my hand ever so gently, and take my blood and blood pressure. It was high because of you, baby. All because of you.


I will never forget you, Michelle Something.


Guys, what would you have done in my situation? I won't see her again, so should I have taken a chance or simply walk away?

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lol Kyoshiro, what happened in the ER? They just gave you aspirin and sent you back home? I have no clue what I'd have done in your situation, I'd have done probably the same thing as you, walk away.. But I'm a little shy myself also

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lol Kyoshiro, what happened in the ER? They just gave you aspirin and sent you back home? I have no clue what I'd have done in your situation, I'd have done probably the same thing as you, walk away.. But I'm a little shy myself also


They took tests all day to make sure it wasn't my heart. I saw about 10 doctors. All I wanted was Michelle.

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*Close* only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. Few women will understand that you got close and finish the deal for you.


But - don't mistake the professional solicitude of a nurse for returned attraction.

Oh yes, that is what stopped me. A mean female nurse is just a woman in nurse's clothing. I kept thinking to myself she was just being nice. But the fact that I was so attracted to her at first sight and combined with how she was (which I'm sure wasn't an act just as a nurse) I felt like just saying "Hey, would you date a guy who think he's dying?" That's why I'm mad we met in the ER and not the BAR.

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