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I have a very bad habit of stealing. I hate myself because of it. I've tried everything I can think of to try to stop, but nothing seems to work. My last hope is to get help from someone else, but no one I know can seem to help me. I don't know what to do. Please, I need your help.

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When you steal again band yourself from something




When you steal return who you stole if from




treat you self when you dont steal and whe you steal lock stuf up that you love like music, games, dvds, junk food, etc

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Do this for me... Think of your most prized possession(s), things that are sentimental to you, think that make you happy, things you love... Now think how you would feel if someone came along and took those things. Think of how hard you have to work for money, now imagine someone who didn't work for it coming along and taking it.l


Now, last thing, think how much trouble you would be if you got caught.

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I've tried those things but I'm almost incapable of self punishment. Also, to this day I have not been caught in the act, the only time people know about it is when I confess it, which is very hard to do.


Yes, but one day you will be caught if you keep it up.


Have you ever considered getting professional help? You may have Kleptomania.

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I am not that familiar with your disorder of kleptomania. At least that is what it sounds like to me. Maybe you could search online and read up on it, and find some type of therapy or counseling that will benefit you.


Coollady, you and I must have been typing at the same time...


MY roomate used to work in a department store where a Klepto shopped regualrly. When this Klepto came in they had someone follow her around, write down everything she took, and then they would send her the bill.

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I think you should tell your psychiatrist about this. you say you are on meds for other issues? kleptomania is serious. get treatment.

did it start recently, or has this always been an issue? did you first start experiencing kleptomania when you started on the meds? or has it always been a problem?

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Wanting to stop is a good place to start. You can do anything if you set your mind to it and I want to encourage you with that.


No matter how much you stole it could never make you happy but you can make a daily goal to try and overcome this.

Reward yourself when you resist.


Try to avoid situations where you may be tempted, brainstorm some activities where you won't be tempted, eg a walk in nature, a sport maybe and include them in your day and you might start to enjoy those things more.

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That is a good idea. If this is a doctor you feel that you can talk to openly about these issues then they may be able to offer some encouraging advice.


One should leave the doctor feeling encouraged so I hope you have a good doctor. I know from my experience I had to go to several before I found someone understanding.

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I'm having to move back in with my mom next week so I can start the school year at the home we're sapose to move into. So, I'm going to be having to get a new doctor to talk this over with. It'll take longer to do this, but it won't matter too much. Wish me luck.

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I'm not sure if it's possible to see a doctor sooner. Besides, I'm not going to be around things to steal for a little while so I should do fine until I can get a handle on this. I haven't stolen in a few weeks, mainly because there's been nothing to catch my eye. I think that as long as I keep myself away from things that would urge me to steal, it would be easier to handle this on my own for now.

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That is fantastic that you haven't stolen in a few weeks. Avoiding things that catch your eye is a good move at the moment. You have the wheels in motion to talk to a doctor so I really hope that goes well for you.


I hope that you and your mum will be happy in your home you are moving into. The very best of luck.

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Good for you for starting to address the problem.


Couple of thoughts - do you shoplift only, or would you steal from friends/family? I suppose I'm just wondering if people *do* know that this is going on, or suspect it, but haven't yet confronted you about it.


Agree with all the others - you *have* to get help about it, and quickly, before you find yourself caught, charged and convicted.


Good luck.

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My last hope is to get help from someone else, but no one I know can seem to help me.


Those guys in the black and white cars with the flashy lights come to mind. Or you could steal the wrong guys watch or wallet. Or how about your cellmate in prison? I'm sure he wouldn't mind "helping" you when you "borrowed" his pack of cigarrettes.

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Those guys in the black and white cars with the flashy lights come to mind. Or you could steal the wrong guys watch or wallet. Or how about your cellmate in prison? I'm sure he wouldn't mind "helping" you when you "borrowed" his pack of cigarrettes.


For one thing, I don't steal anything worth more that $20 or so because they would have bigger security around them. The only reason I haven't been caught yet is that I'm too smart to fall for stealing big money items. Also, right now I'm only 17 so they wouldn't put me in prison just for stealing candy or something. Also I'm 1 million % against smoking or other illegal things like alcohol or drugs. The only illegal thing I don't mind doing is my music pirating business.

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