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Concerned About Fiance's Faithfulness...

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I understand all of your points. It's hard to convey the entirety of our time together in a few short posts, but I will definitely take your suggestions to heart. Like Iceman said, I have to earn to trust my gut and not let my head get in the way.

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If she has someone whom seems to believe that she would "leave for him", I am suspicious just to what she is doing to lead him on, to be honest.


I will repeat myself on this. Ray Kay is exactly right. All too often we ignore what later on become very clear issues. Again this guy might be super persistent maybe even a psycho and persuing your fiance. But from everything you have posted this is simply not the case. Maybe its her simply touching his arm lightly while laughing at one of his jokes, maybe its some other form of flirting. But again if she is really into marrying you and she is a self reliant self assured woman there would be "miscommunication." Woman get hit on all the time especially good looking ones. Some play dumb to it, some are dumb to it and some relish in it. I just cant see if she really wants to marry you why she would even cross this line.


It's hard to convey the entirety of our time together in a few short posts,



Of course it is. But dont confuse your love and interest in her for her interest in you! Ultimately its all about her interest level in you and an interested woman doesnt behave this way.

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You could be being paranoid... but i dont think so. Maybe nothing happened, but at the very least it appears that it at least LOOKS like something may be amiss. I dont think you are making something of nothing, so that leaves you with the choice to make, what do you do about it.


I would probably straight up ask her friend (female friend) hey what is going on with my fiance, and whoever the guy is... see what kind of a reaction you get. Just tell her you heard something, and you thought she might be able to confirm.




You could pin the same question to your fiance... I would probably be careful about this as you dont want her to know you are snooping unless she really is doing something wrong.


If you really have doubts, maybe you should delay the wedding until you can clear everything up. Or at least talk with her, and see if she can come up with a viable explaination for what youve seen.

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I think if you are going to continue with the marriage, then you need to make sure that she SHOWS YOU not tells you everything is ok.


If its 3 am, and shes out drinking you should be there with her. If you are not, then you damn well better be able to get ahold of her, and she should be telling you where she is, when she is, and who shes with. Shes going to be your wife for petes sake, I dont think its asking too much for her to make sure you dont have to worry about her when shes out drinking late at night. Even if she isnt cheating, theres still all sorts of reasons to worry about your fiance being out at 2 am drunk.

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