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Dreams (Literally, Not Figuratively)

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Since I was young I've had intense, vivid, and often times terrifying dreams. My dreams have been so intense that I can remember dozens upon dozens of them, some from when I was 8. Once of my earliest dreams was of being in my bed and looking at the ceiling of my room only my ceiling was hundreds of feet above me. Suddenly a giant door opened and this whale swam into my room. I can remember this dream just as clearly now as then when I first dreamt it.

The majority of my dreams had little to do with reality. I have so many fantastic images burned into my memory that aren't real.

I went through periods where I had nightmares often. Usually about hiding somewhere while a burglar was searching for me. I dreamt several times that my brother shot me and when I told my parent they didn't particularly care. I've read all sorts of books concerning the meaning of dreams but have yet to make up my mind as to what a dream really is. Is it your subconscious speaking to you? Is it your mind ridding itself of unecessary information? Is there something mystical behind them? Is your brain just giving you something to view while you sleep?

For the past two years now, aside from a few random experiences, I've been having four recurring dreams. I dream about the future, specifically what the city in which I live will look like in 100 years. I have that skyline from the future stored in my mind ready to see if perhaps I'm viewing a time to be. Two of the other dreams are similar. In one I'm in Asia, usually Japan, I realize my flight back to wherever is leaving very soon yet I haven't packed. I frantically try to get everything in my suitcases but I keep ending up with more and more stuff and less room to store it. Sometimes I make my flight, sometimes I don't. The other dream that's similar takes place in Europe, usually Germany or Belgium. Sometimes it's about not having enough time to pack but usually it's about stopping at a sovenenir shop to purchase some chocolate to bring home. The shops are always out of what I want. I have all these memories of searching down aisle after aisle, staring in wonder at all of the amazing things around me but ultimately being disappointed that I can't find the one kind of chocolate, or whatever, I want. Some of the dreams that take place in Europe are merely about me wondering around sightseeing only nothing looks familiar. In reality I've spent a fair amount of time in both Germany and Belgium and know the layouts of several cities very well. Only in my dreams everything looks out of place. Buildings have changed, streets go different directions than they should and people no longer understand me when I speak German.

Finally, the most troubling dreams that I have. They're more a recurring theme than event. In these dreams I do everyday activities; take out the garbage, go for a drive, rent a movie, put gas in my car, buy groceries... The problem with these is that I get them confused with reality. I'll swear that I had more gas in my car but then remember, oh, you just dreamt you filled up yesterday.

Two days ago I was searching frantically for this movie I rented and couldn't find it anywhere. I sat down and thought deeply about it. Ah-ha, the DVD is on top of my fridge, that's where I put it. I get there only to find it missing. I had to call Blockbuster and ask if I rented V For Vendetta to find out that it was all a dream. I never went to Blockbuster. What's worse is when I think something was a dream when in fact it really happened. I'll call someone to tell them something only to find that I've already called and told them. (Does anyone get mixed up like this?)

In closing I have to say that in all of my dreams everything seems more alive. Colors are brighter, tastes are stronger. It reminds of that sort of majic you felt when you were a child. That Christmas Eve giddy, staring at the Christmas Tree lights in wonder feeling. Even if I'm just packing bags for a flight, in my dreams it seems whimsical and exciting. I'm ready for the brain implant so that I can spend the rest of life in my dream worlds. I'm so much happier there.

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Googleing for excessive dreaming links it mostly to depression and sleep deprivation.


Firstly get more sleep. Get going with mental survival activities and exercise. It can be a positive experience.


Would you like martial arts?


Can you accept what we talked about in recent threads about changing you over-thinking ways?

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