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Well me and my boyfriend, broke up.. I guess it's been coming, but we've gotten through so much, that I figured we could get through anything. This was the first guy I pictured my self with for the rest of my life, I would have been more than happy to spend my life with him. I was in love.


It's so hard because I am not willing to give up, I don't want to let him go.. Im not ready to say goodbye. And I don't know how. Every one keeps saying "your young, this is going to happen a million more times. It's not the end of the world. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" a statement i know is very true. But at the moment. It's not helping, I don't want to go through a million more break ups, I don't want to be with a million more guys, I want THIS ONE. And its not the end of the world. But for me, at this moment, it really feels like it is.. And it hasn't killed me, but I pretty much feel like im dying inside.


This is my first longterm relationship, and I don't know how to do it. I forget who I was with out him. He was my best friend, I hung out with him and his friends. I've changed in the last year. Im different. And im not good at being alone.


Im so confused and hurt that I don't even know what to write here, so im probably just babbling. And it makes me so mad that I stuck by him through a really bad drug addiction.. And I stuck by him through having a child. IM SEVENTEEN YEARS OLD AND MY BOYFRIEND HAS A BABY. In my opinion, I held my own very well.. I don't think many girls, let alone many seventeen year old girls, would be strong enough to deal with a boyfriend going through something so serious, then having a baby with another woman. And then we get in a car accident, that was caused out of his stupidity.. And I've hurt so much, and I've had many many mood swings. And he cant stick by me through it. He just cant "deal with it any more."

I just don't know what to do .. I just want him back I love him.


Please help me.

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Thats what a breakup is supposta feel like.

You have to relize in the end the only person that is going to help you is yourself!

You cannot put a man before yourself because if you do your just setting your self up for disaster. Hes not living your life, YOU are.

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It will get better as time passes. When a breakup first occurs, that is when the feelings are the most fresh, the most painful, the hardest. Go out and do something, stuff you like to do, have never done before. Go out, live life, do things, be busy. That will help you to forget about the ex and forget (for a time) your heartbreak. Reconnect with old friends.


Next time, dont drown your life into your relationship or your SO. People dont like that and they may end up using you or think you are too clingy and then drop you like a dead horse. Men like women who are independent and have their own lives, do thier own things and not make the guy their life.


Having outside interests and friends apart from your SO is what makes you interesting and saves yourself when breakups occur.

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It will get better as time passes. When a breakup first occurs, that is when the feelings are the most fresh, the most painful, the hardest. Go out and do something, stuff you like to do, have never done before. Go out, live life, do things, be busy. That will help you to forget about the ex and forget (for a time) your heartbreak. Reconnect with old friends.


Next time, dont drown your life into your relationship or your SO. People dont like that and they may end up using you or think you are too clingy and then drop you like a dead horse. Men like women who are independent and have their own lives, do thier own things and not make the guy their life.


Having outside interests and friends apart from your SO is what makes you interesting and saves yourself when breakups occur.



i think we both lost our outside lives to our relationship, and didn't spend enough time apart. and im sure that's what caused so much fighting. but right now im pretty much on bed rest, and can't just get up and do all these things. im not aloud in the sun, and im on crutches for a few months. so it's been hard. and it bothered me lots that i'd be stuck at home, in bed, and he'd be off partying and doing whatever. it kinda made me feel like he didn't even care what i was going through. so i wasn't very understanding in return, that he needed a break.


it just hurts so much i don't wanna lose him

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I know it hurts a lot, and I have been in your shoes a few times. But, he's GONE and there is nothing you can do about it. If he comes back, it will be his OWN decision and not yours. Dont wait for him, in the hopes that he MAY come back. You will be wasting your life, waiting for something that might or might not happen.


I know you are bedridden right now and cant go out. Read a book, listen to some music, watch tv. Have your friends come over and hang out with you. Think about other things besides the ex. I know that's hard, but it is the only way you are going to heal from all this.


I know you probably think your ex was the one and only and that you lost it. There are other guys out there. I know it is hard to think about that. Although my ex and I broke up almost a year ago and I am COMPLETELY over him, I still find it hard to go out and meet new people, date, have a relationship, etc. I am too unsure of myself and am afraid of having my heart broken again.

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